Friday, May 29, 2015




Perdana Akhmad Lakoni
Proses membayangkan dan memVisualisasikan dalam ilmu fisika quantum merupakan proses holografik yang memancarkan gelombang fikiran kesegala arah dengan membentuk citra hologram yg diciptakannya.
Banyak kerasukan jin hewan karena dalam latihannya membayangkan hewan dalam jurusnya seperti jurus harimau, naga, ular maka dalam proses menvisualkan wujud hewan dan meniatkan bersatu dengan hewan akan secara otomatis gelombang otaknya memancar kesegala arah dan akan menarik entitas ghoib (siluman macan, ular, naga dll) sesuai dengan hologram fikiran yang difisualisasikannya untuk masuk dalam tubuh praktisi beladiri itu.
Berhati hatilah sebab "Setan selalu memberi janji-janji kepada mereka, dan membangkitkan angan-angan kosong pada mereka, padahal setan tidak menjanjikan kepada mereka selain tipuan belaka
(QS Al-Nisa' [4]: 120).”
contoh kisah nyata
Pasien datang ke Rumah Ruqyah Mojokerto jl Meri 427,,Dulu suka ngelmu2 ,tapi basisnya wirid,salah satu wiridnya "lakodja akum rosulum min anfusikum..dst, dan ada alfatihah sambil tahan nafas..sekian hitungan ,sakit sering kepala dan tengkuk berat ,emosi labil ,..diagnosa
dalam mimpi sering didatangi sosok macan ,..dan benarlah kemarin bagaimana ybs bereaksi muntah2 hebat,dengan idzin Allah hanya dengan bacaan Surah Alfatihah diperdengarkan ditelinga (itulah dahsyatnya Ruqyah syar'i ..),rasa didada Plong dan lebih fresh katanya , ybs juga cerita sempat sebelumnya berkeliling mencoba ikhtiar datang ke salah satu Pengobatan paranormal /kikun yang sering ada di TV lokal ,baru nanya2 katanya konsul dan pengobatan jika setuju ditarif 1.5 jt..wuiih,,,..
...selamat menyelami dahsyatnya Ruqyah dan temukan fenomena keajaiban2 lainnya..
Salam tauhid
jl Meri 427
082138064460    /  081331225266

join Fb kami di

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Saturday, May 23, 2015

Forms of Power and the power (energy) on the Qur'anic Healing (Quranic Healing)

there are four forms of energy like Ruqyah which I described as follows:

 1. Energy Ruqyah Is God's help.
The fact that power and strength resulting from the healing Therapies derived from the Qur'anic help Allah alone.
From Anas bin Malik said, "the Prophet Is , when faced with a problem, he prayed," o Almighty eternal life, which continued to take care of (his being), only by your grace, I ask for help. ". Form of God's help is very much that we can not expect and think.

2. Energy Ruqyah Is Nur or Light/light Healing healer.
The healing energy of the Qur'anic form of a beam of light that emanated when a healer the practitioner read Holy Quran verses or prayers according the Shari'a. Evidence for this is:

"Behold the Qur'aan is a call from God, then it is best to accept his call you guys. The Qur'an is the rope of God. The bright light, and ' (medicine) which is beneficial. " (HR. Imam Al-Hakim)

 "read the Qur'aan, because it will be a light for you in the Earth and became the mistress of heaven." (Ibn Habban in the Hadith)

"Prayer is the weapon of a believer and a pillar (pillar) religion as well as the light of heaven and Earth." (Narrated by Abu Ya'la)

3. Ruqyah is energy sound waves Ilahiyah.

 Each sound or sound source has a certain wavelength and frequency. Then reading Qur'aan are read with tartil (read slowly) and in accordance with tajwid (delivered with the best and perfect reading of each verse of the Qur'an) has a frequency and wavelength are able to affect the brain in a positive and restore balance in the body.

Reading Qur'aan has an effect that is very good for the body, as it gives a soothing effect, enhance creativity, improve the immune system, improve concentration, curing various diseases, creating an atmosphere of peace and relieve the tension of the nerves of the brain, relieve anxiety, overcoming fear, reinforce the personality, improving language proficiency, etc.

Originally the billions of nerve cells in the human brain vibrate constantly.  This cell contains a complicated program where billions of cells around interacting in an exceptional coordination that shows the greatness of Allah azza wa jalla.

A researcher named William Enrick Duve discovered that the brain reacts to certain sound waves. And the waves can affect in a positive and negative. When circulating information that classical music have an effect on the development of the human brain, many circles to use classical music as a therapeutic drug.

But, the Qur'an is still the best medicine. Therapy with Al-Quran is proven to increase intelligence, soothe the soul, cure various diseases and others. This is because the frequency of the wave reading Qur'aan has the capability to reprogram the cells of the brain, enhance capabilities, and balance it.

Ruqyah is energy weapons and fortress of Ilahiyah 

"prayer is the weapon of a believer and a pillar (pillar) religion as well as the light of heaven and Earth." (Narrated by Abu Ya'la)

A wave of energy that emanated from the reading of the Holy Quran verses and prayers would be powerful weapons to repel, destroy and protection from all kinds of diseases in the body both physical (bacteria deleterious disease, germs, harmful viruses, cancer cells. Various chemical or natural toxins and so forth) and physical (poison magic, Jinn, a variety of negative energy).

It also could be a weapon of resistance and protection when facing an attack either physical (fights, robbery, theft and so on) as well as non physical (witchcraft, to attack-to attack jin, magic, etc).

There are many more forms of power and strength (energy) are like Ruqyah which scientifically is not yet known which still continue to be examined and investigated scientists.

The source of the strength and form of energy Healing on Qur'anic Ruqyah (Quranic Healing Energy)

Energy Definitions (on dictionary of bahasa Indonesia) is the power or energy work. The energy comes from the Greece "energia", i.e. the ability to do business. Then the energy has a sense of the capabilities of Ruqyah doing business (healing, Fortify yourself, the resistance of physical illnesses, psychic, Magic Attack Jin, Disorder and all Hazards) to produce a working power, strength or energy sourced from the Quran and prayer that fits the Shari'ah. 

A synergy the Qur'anic treatment and Treatment of Modern medicine.

From some practical experience and information in various writings of experts note that modern medicine with various branches and du'a (Qur'anic Treatment) is a powerful means of couples to heal the body and human soul. The condition of the body, intellect and soul man interrelated and became a center of life satisfaction.

World of medicine is running to the origin, i.e. a holistic medicine, which heals the human as a whole people, not divide them. Modern humans are torn between the bodies of the material with the spiritual spiritually finally found momentum to unite both sides of this. As well as in the medical field, should start making his world more intact, looked at the man not to mention remains the body with the instruments of organs, tissues and cells that are alive because of a physical, electrical activity of enzymes and hormones that chemically solely. See more intact, that man is something great that Allah Subhannahu wata'ala blessed the bodies, spirit and intellect.

One of these good trend I see in Larry Dossey M.D. American physician who is developing a medical perspective is broader than just the operating rooms and capsule pharmaceutical. As in general doctors who attended the secular medical education, at first he considers that prayer is superstition will look. But after decades of practice and researching, he arrived at a conclusion that changed his view of it, that scientifically has the power of prayer to heal. He later wrote the famous book: "The Healing Words" (words that Heal) which in the introduction he says that by entering the healing arts who pay attention to spiritual aspects into the world of medicine, this book will pave the way towards a medical science that is more effective and humane.

Among other physicians who underestimate this statement, arguing that research-research conducted to demonstrate the benefits of prayer that its methodology was lame, the draft and his observations so that the result was ugly. But try to see past this fact: until 1993 researchers have been conducting controlled studies as much as 131 even with State of the art research design: a Double Blind Randomized Control Trial. Fifty-six of these studies showed results statistically significant at p< 0.01 > while 21 studies show the significance of p < 0.05 >. This experiment is related to the influence of prayer on enzymes, yeast, bacteria, plants and animals as well as humans. If the quality is questionable, then still Please note: 10 of whom are doctoral dissertations, master's theses and the remaining 2 published in various reputable medical journal.

Masaru Emoto in his book The True Power of Water prove once more scientifically and can be accountable of how words are both capable of changing the shape of the water molecule which was originally a mess into a beautiful hexagonal crystal, and reverse the negative words to make the bad form. In hipotetik it is possible that the human body is between 80-90% is water has a response to words. And we are so reserves the right to prove it.

Presumably the doctors had to open eyes and make room for prayer to cure his patients. So, it goes without disinclined to pray for a patient and what's more important is to motivate the patient to exert healing wealth he had, is prayer. Give a smile that heals, and words that heal. A face of love.

Whether treatment of Qur'anic confined to Muslim groups only?

Healing is not limited to one specific group (Muslims) only, but to all the people who need its benefits. This has been proved by the results of the research of Dr. Ahmed El Kadi against the respondent Muslims and Non-Muslims. Also according to the word of Allah in the Quran surat Yunus: 57. "Verily, o man, have come to you from your Lord and a healing lessons for diseases (that are) in the chest of ...

"Even the author has ever encountered a non-muslim patients who have a lot of" ruqyah Mp3 "Audio in. Other than that, Quranic Healing practitioners find an amazing condition where a "spiritual journey" (someone who always change his/her religion) and his brain was filled with anxiety and doubt over Islam they cuddle and then found magical interference from jin. Praise be to Allaah healed and back to Islam after tens of years in Buddhism, Catholicism and Christianity.

The success rate of the treatment technology of Qur'anic (Quranic Healing Technology)

In fact, the healing is from Allah Subhannahu wata'ala on the other hand we must endeavor. This treatment is sought that his success is relative, depending on the confidence level of the offender, either the pain or the healer (healer) during the healing process. If the pain is not worth receiving healing and the healers were unable to exert influence anything then the healing will not happen. 

1. Healing only occurs when: there is the suitability of a drug with the disease.
2. Sooth those who treat and the person who receives it can be treated.

Other than the above, there are technical things that became the key to the success of the practitioner. Inshallah will be discussed in detail in the discussion of the next special in this beloved book.

Any Case of disease and who have Successfully cured?
Based on the experience of the Therapist encountered, many cases of the disease patients are already hopeless or not can be treated by paramedics and there have been many waste so much time, energy and treasure to cure the ailment to the various hospitals and clinics both inside and outside the country.

  1. Illness/complaint that successfully treated based on recognition of the sufferers, for example;
  2. Urinary tract infections, a complaint frequently urinate every night, up to 20 x overnight.
  3. Symptoms of a stroke, hand pain complaints, the body half paralyzed.
  4. Frequent vomiting, when already medical treatment to the hospital.
  5. Heart ache, when walked is not strong, short breathing, swollen foot-swelling.
  6. Vertigo which failed to recover despite already treated to a specialist.
  7. Shortness of breath and sore bodies that failed to heal.
  8. Unable to menstruate again when the age is still young.
  9. Toothache continues, but already to the dentist.
  10. Often sickly without cause, but have been to the doctor.
  11. ill after surgery that does not heal.
  12. Disorders of the soul.
  13. The diseases included in the clinical trials of medical is inexplicable (magic, witchcraft, disruption and jin attack).
  14. Eczema
  15. Barren (hard to get lineage) and spouses declared infertile or there is no medically impaired.
  16. Acute disease is a type of skin cancer and lung cancer acute.
  17. And other ailments that doctors are not detected.

What is the influence of the Qur'an against the organs of the body? Keep What Can Be Measured?

Medically has stated that the tense and worried it could lead to a reduction in (deficiency) the human immune response to disease. Increasingly unstable (not chemical equilibrium) psychiatric conditions and anxiety someone, then the open opportunities/vulnerable people were stricken with the disease. The influence of Al-Quran is the inefficient provision of returns to lead to an increase in the immune system and durability of the body against disease. The body becomes healthy and strong against the attacks of the disease.

Dr. Ahmed El Kadi in Missouri, USA research the influences of the Qur'an against the human body. Research and measurement is done against the 3 groups:
1.Muslim man who could speak Arabic.
2.Muslims do not speak Arabic.
3.Non-Muslims who do not speak Arabic.

This influence is measured and recorded by using a set of electronic equipment devices study and evaluation of nerve pressure coupled with a kind of computer Medax 2002 (Medical Data Exuizin) who discovered and developed by the Center for Health studies, Univ. of Boston and Dafikon Company in Boston.

This device evaluates the response – the response of acts that demonstrate the existence of tension through one of two things:

1. change of the motion the breath directly through your computer.
2. Supervision through an evaluation of the physiological changes in the body.

In all groups of respondents were read a verse of the Quran in Arabic and then read the translation in the language of the United Kingdom. And on each of these groups retrieved data is the impact that could have indicated about the Qur'an, i.e. 97% found the experiment the impact changes. This looks at the impact and physiological changes indicated by decreased levels of pressure on a nerve in spontaneity. This looks at the change of electrical energy in the muscles in the body's organs. And the changes that occur in the skin due to electrical energy, and changes in blood circulation, heart rate changes, the volume of blood flow to the skin, and body temperature. And all this change indicates that there are changes in the brain's nervous organs directly and simultaneously affect other body organs.

So from research carried out by Dr. Ahmed El Kadi is apparently known to the influence of the Qur'an can be measured and can decrease nervous tension which would cause the entire body will be refreshed, improved body and stamina will banish the various diseases or to treat it.

The reach of treatment of Qur'anic (Quranic Healing) is holistic.

In English, the word holistic comes from the Greece ' holos meaning whole. ' Holistic often associated with United Kingdom language ' whole ' which also means comprehensive. Thus, a holistic treatment for language is defined as a comprehensive treatment.

The basic approach to healing Qur'anic holistically is not only seen from the human body, but also mental and social relations even the universe. The role of exercise, for example with regard to the real organs, like the heart, blood vessels, brain, nerves, heart, digestive apparatus, the five senses, and glands. While the soul component consists of the spirit, intellect, passion, conscience, and more. As social creatures, humans are always interacting with its environment (the real nature and natural unreal). In principle in treatment of Qur'anic holistic, reply back therapy is examined thoroughly do not only see the physical side of human physical pain/, but also by looking at the side of the mental, emotional, and spiritual patients.

Quranic Holistic Medicine (we develop together team Quranic Healing Technology) is one of the disciplines and is a combination of various treatments that could be accounted for by the medical and science because treating the body as a whole by restoring the balance organs optimally balance work involving physical, psychological, mental, and emotional.

It can be said that philosophy is the concept of Holistic Health refers to lines that have defined God (sunatullah), because of the transgression of sunatullah will lead to disease or other disasters.
From a logical and scientific reason also that I made shariaah branding Quranic Healing Technology (Qur'anic Treatment Technology) and not to put forward a more shariaah ruqyah "Ruhiyah Treatment with Ruqyah and prayer Protection" for Quranic Healing Technology not only to put forward a ruhiyah (spiritual) but also physical and mental and emotional (psychological).

The conclusion Shariaah Ruqyah is one part of Quranic Healing Technology.

The purpose and benefits of the treatment of Qur'anic.

In addition to the great vision of the author would expect, there are at least three things that be the goal of this Therapy Qurani socialization.

The first, help to provide an Islamic way out to people who are experiencing problems of life, both in the form of a physical illness or diseases caused by sorcery to avoid and regardless of the deception of Satan (Talbis syaiton) in the form of khurafat and innovation dhalalah.

Secondly, to invite people who do not know the way of legislation among our brothers and sisters in order to resolve the problem intelligently by going back to the Qur'an that can protect a person from negative things that threaten.

Third, to resolve problems with a new form of matter does not cause any Defamation against hearts in the form of Libel, slander and desire syubhat errors and error, Libel, slander, and immoral, the innovation of despotism and ignorance that results in destruction of the science, the views, knowledge and Confidence to God Subhannahu and exalted.

Why should the treatment of Qur'anic?
Imam Ibn Al-Qayyim al-jawzi, may God bless him, "said Al-Quran is the most perfect healer medicine for all diseases of the body and soul, as well as diseases of the world and the hereafter. But not everyone deserves a taufiq Subhannahu and exalted by God to do a treatment with the Qur'an! But if people are ill treating his illness with Al-Quran with full faith and sincerity of heart, total surrender to Allah Subhannahu wa ta'ala, the belief that full comprehensive, as well as meet all other requirements, undoubtedly there has never been a disease that is able to beat him... "so the big opinions about the benefits of the verses of the Qur'an.

Indeed! We have so many valuable things in our lives, treasure, our energy, and mind to cure various physical ailments and the soul through a variety of hospitals and clinics from within the country and abroad. But few among us who are thinking of doing business in addition to the medical business, which should thus be the most essential means of healers who just needs a little time and effort.

How can the Qur'an Be Healers Of human body?

Evidence for this is as described by the word of Allah Subhannahu wata'ala in the Qur'an surat Al Israa ': 82 which reads: "and we sent down the Qur'an to be a bidder and mercy for the believers..."
Min (said in verse the Qur'an is an explanation of the type so that it means that the Qur'aan is a healing medicine entirely.

So Al-Qur'an is a drug, can be as a healer. One of the proof is an Imam Al-Bukhaari narrated that one of the companions of the Prophet named Abu said Al Qudri read surat Al-Fatihah (Umm Al-Qur'an) to someone who is bitten by a snake and apparently recovered his health.

Note, Al Fatihah comprises 7 verses. Isn't it like we know empirically that the number 7 represents a lot of things that we know on a daily basis, for example: 7 Wonders of the world, the 7 colors of the Rainbow, the 7 layers of the heavens, 7 layers of the Earth's crust, 7 days, 7 scale, ph 7 and so on. So by reading verses 7 Al Fatihah is equivalent to removing the 7 tones of the "voice" of the Holy verses of God exalted form of Subhannahu "wave" containing sacred texts that generates a "healing energy" from the holy texts that needed a body that is not in a State of equilibrium.

SOUND healing: 
scheme (Al-Qur'an) ........wave (Ilahiyah) ...... energy (Recuperation).

Here occurs a bio-electric therapy + bio heat, which can be transmitted through the hands (fingers/hands), or in the form of voice or vocal — with mind (brain waves). The energy of the wave will break through time and space to target far (distance healing) or close. These waves penetrate the body and lead to normalization (equilibrium conditions) in the body chemistry (Ph = 7), so that the body becomes healthy again. An equilibrium "chemically" in anatomy and psychology, faal process.

Friday, May 22, 2015

What is the Qur'anic healing technology?

Quranic Healing Technology (technologies, Qur'anic Treatment/Therapy Ruqyah) is the development of the science and art of healing of all manner of illness either physical, psychic, disruption or attack magic spirits who have been taught by the Prophet . In addition to Quranic Healing Technology is also a technical resistance, protection and pembentengan yourself from all sorts of physical harm mara, or psychic. "Healing the Qur'anic" the main source of his power is a du'a that is referred to in Arabic as a Ruqyah are gathered from the verses of the Qur'an and prayers-prayer taught Sharia law. With the expectation of being sought for relief from a variety of disorders. Because prayer is a weapon that many muslim Ummah is forgotten today. In various Hadith mentioned that:

"Prayer is the weapon of the believer, as a pillar of religion, as well as the light of the heavens and the Earth" (narrated by Hakeem No. 1812)

 "Prayer is beneficial to what is already happened or has not occurred. Therefore, you should always pray ". (Narrated by Hakeem No. 1815)

In addition, like the other said: prayer is the most efficacious drug.

"Do not you guys are weak in praying, because someone will not perish with the prayer" (narrated by Hakeem 1818)

 "God doesn't lose a disease, unless he is also lowering the cure" (narrated by Al-Bukhaari, no. 5678)
"every disease there is a cure, then if the drugs consumed match, he undoubtedly will be cured with the permission of Allah" (narrated by Muslim, no. 2204)

 "Allaah does not decrease disease, unless he is also lowering the cure, know (understand) by people who know about it and that is not understood by most people "(narrated by Ahmad, no. 17988)
 It is also strengthened by the word of Allaah Subhannahu and exalted: and we sent down the Qur'an to be a bidder and a mercy to those who believe" (Al isra: 82)

Why do many people Leave These Techniques and  they are not sure this Therapeutic methods of the Al-Quran?

Lack of knowledge of Muslims about the Quran made them reposition this treatment as a last resort after there is no longer an option. Whereas wealth benefits of Al-Quran is able to penetrate the logic and limits of impossibility. But human beings appropriate not convinced by a method before the existence of the underlying disease, scientific facts..

in this scientific fact is about science or technology cutting edge treatment with the Qur'an. Such as the emergence of questions: what is happening in the patient's body that can pass it on healing while listening to the Quran?

All of which is a complete answer to the various questions that incomprehensible logic. Such questions;
"What is a treatment or therapy Al-Quran (Quranic Healing Theraphy) itself?".
Well, "Quranic Healing Theraphy" or Healing Therapies Qur'anic is the science and art of healing, Pembentengan and resistance of physical illnesses, psychic Disorders, Jin and magic and all the dangers.

Form of treatment or therapy the Qur'an is a therapy using Ruqyah readings of verses from the Qur'an and the Sunnah prayers (taught by the Prophet ) to yourself or others. It is repeated several times until the healing process is going on (God willing).

So, things that affect yourself as well as others that are sick (of any form of disease either physical pain, psychic, magic attack jin and distraction) endeavor to be cured by through the reading of the verses of the Qur'an and prayers which legislated (there is guidance of the Prophet ).

The reading of the Qur'an consists of three things, first through sound waves reading Qur'aan which exits through the therapist (healer) to recite or read directly by patients or indirectly i.e. using a recorded voice be heard through modern equipment (digital audio).

In addition to using the readings from the Qur'an and prayers which are legislated, Quranic Healing Theraphy (Qur'anic therapy treatment) also uses the method of touch (Healing Touch), the method, the method the sweep sweep / Pats/ tapping (Tapping), massages, handling methods, thrust, pull, method of breath /puffs that are synergistic with chanting readings from the Qur'an and prayers at the time of the healing therapies are underway.

Treatment of Stretch Bridging the distance between the Qur'anic THEOLOGY-science-metaphysics.

Concepts of religious philosophy is just a barometer & guide us, no matter where we are born, GOD has provided us with the barometer-barometer. All religions say the same thing that THERE is something "OUTSIDE" of human knowledge.

Science has proved that the fears, anxieties, worries, and depression is the cause of the emergence of the disease. Serious mistake in mind can be dragged into the disease.

"Verses of the Qur'an and prayers used in the treatment is the metaphysical elements which will be directly connected with the center of the brain, because the processing functions of non verbal and emotional is a part of the brain. The verses that can do emotional healing and somehow even the enhance spiritual awareness. The verses of the Qur'an have a healer a privilege that is not found in medicines, which only created by Allaah Subhannahu and exalted, not made in the laboratory. In the process of healing verses will evoke the spiritual energy that is able to heal the pain, sorrow and failure ".

Unfortunately when we discuss the treatment of Qur'anic (Quranic Healing) then there are still many people who imagine a supernatural treatment with the power of hypnosis with the placebo effect is not scientific. Healings can occur through many ways-in part was we understand (already tested and scientifically examined) – another recently shall we understand and the rest still has not been revealed.

As a muslim, yet healing is God's mercy revealed Subhannahu and exalted. While the mysterious healing and could not be solved with the "how" or "why", we can 1-0 and are thankful for his existence.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Saya memformulasikan ayat ayat ruqyah Syaikh Fares Abbad dengan intro suara deburan ombak khusus bagi ibu hamil yang hendak melahirkan berdasarkan penjelasan ulama salafy Syaikh Utsaimin. Bagi ibu hamil sering-seringlah mendengarkan audio ruqyah ini.
Syaikh Muhammad bin Shalih Al Utsaimin rahimahullah ditanya tentang wirid ayat-ayat yang dibaca ketika seorang wanita kesulitan untuk melahirkan.
Beliau menjawab, apabila seorang wanita merasa kesulitan untuk melahirkan, maka dia dibacakan ayat-ayat berikut ini dan juga surat Al-Zalzalah di air (minum) kemudian wanita tersebut agar meminum sebagian airnya dan sebagian lainnya diusapkan ke bagian perutnya. Insya Allah, dia akan melahirkan dengan mudah -dengan izin Allah- dan hal ini telah banyak di praktikkan.
“Dan Kami turunkan al-Quran (sesuatu) yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang yang beriman” (QS. Al-Israa': 82)
Ayat-ayat yang dibaca tersebut adalah:
1. Surat Ar-Rad: 8
“Allah mengetahui apa yang dikandung oleh setiap perempuan, dan kandungan rahim yang kurang sempurna dan yang bertambah. Dan segala sesuatu pada sisi-Nya ada ukurannya.”
2. Surat Fathir: 11
“Dan Allah menciptakan kamu dari tanah kemudian dari air mani, kemudian Dia menjadikan kamu berpasangan (laki-laki dan perempuan). Dan tidak ada seorang perempuanpun mengandung dan tidak (pula) melahirkan melainkan dengan sepengetahuan-Nya. Dan sekali-kali tidak dipanjangkan umur seorang yang berumur panjang dan tidak pula dikurangi umurnya, melainkan (sudah ditetapkan) dalam Kitab (Lohmahfuz). Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu bagi Allah adalah mudah.”
3. Surat An-Nahl: 78
“Dan Allah mengeluarkan kamu dari perut ibumu dalam keadaan tidak mengetahui sesuatu pun, dan Dia memberi kamu pendengaran, penglihatan dan hati, agar kamu bersyukur.”
4. Dan surat Al-Zalzalah: 1 8
“Apabila bumi digoncangkan dengan goncangan (yang dahsyat), dan bumi telah mengeluarkan beban-beban berat (yang dikandung)nya, dan manusia bertanya: “Mengapa bumi (menjadi begini)?”, pada hari itu bumi menceritakan beritanya, karena sesungguhnya Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan (yang sedemikian itu) kepadanya. Pada hari itu manusia ke luar dari kuburnya dalam keadaan bermacam-macam, supaya diperlihatkan kepada mereka (balasan) pekerjaan mereka, Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kejahatan sebesar dzarrahpun, niscaya dia akan melihat (balasan)nya pula.”

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


1. MAKASAR 31 MEI 2015
Info Makassar dan Sekitarnya:
Apakah Ruqyah Syar'iyyah selalu identik dgn kesurupan?
Msh banyak di mindset kaum muslimin salah kaprah dgn kata Ruqyah..ketika disebut Ruqyah..maka di kepala mereka yg terlintas adalah kesurupan jin..berontak, sebatas itu..sehingga tak sedikit yg menghindari tuk belajar ruqyah..apalagi yg takut dgn "serangan balik"..
Padahal Ruqyah itu..salah satu pengertiannya adalah DO'A..!!
Ketika Anda sakit kepala, sakit gigi, sakit punggung, atau demam, Ruqyah lah dulu sebelum anda berpikir mengkonsumsi obat atau ke dokter,
Ruqyah dgn membaca do'a2 yg telah diajarkan oleh Rosulullooh صلي الله عليه وسلم..
Mari belajar Ruqyah Mandiri!!
Pelatihan Quranic Healing Indonesia
@ Ust PERDANA Akhmad (Founder QHI)
*Penanganan Kesurupan Massal
*Psikotheraphy Ruqyah Syar'iyyah
*Efektifitas Bekam, Herbal dengan Ruqyah Syariyyah
Makassar, 31 Mei 2015
Aula Kampus Poltekkes Makassar.
*Umum Rp 150.000,-
*Pelajar Rp 100.000,-
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Ketik: Nama_alamat_no.Hp_Jenis Kelamin, Selanjutnya Lakukan Transferan (Bri 5201-01-017286-53-3 a.n Devi Ratnasari) atau Pembayaran Cash .
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2. SEMARANG 14 JUNI 2015
Insya Allah diliput trans 7
Hubungi Selo Ruwandanu dan Pak Kholis 0815-8804-489
3. BENGKULU 7-8 JUNI 2015
HUB Abu Dzakwan 0853-4201-9922


Pemateri: Ustadz Hafidzku Alghifari, Ustadz Ginda Baginda dan tim komunitas cinta ruqyah.
- mengenali perbedaan ruqyah syar'iyah dan ruqyah syirkiyah
- mengenali perbedaan karomah dan sihir
- mengenali ciri gangguan jjn
- mengenali ciri sihir
- mengenali tentang penyakit 'ain dan pengobatannya
- praktek ruqyah mandiri
- praktek ruqyah berpasangan
- praktek ruqyah berkelompok
- praktek peserta meruqyah peserta lain yg terkena gangguan jin/sihir
Insyaallah akan di adakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Minggu / 24 MEI 2015
pukul 08.00 WIB – SELESAI
Tempat : Masjid Nurul Huda
Alamat : Komplek Kemlu
Jl abdul majid dalam 3
Cipete Selatan, Cilandak - Jakarta Selatan
bawa keluarga anda yang terkena gangguan jin atau teridikasi gangguan terkena mahluk halus.
Satu Masjid satu peruqyah , satu keluarga satu peruqyah , jadilah peruqyah untuk keluarga anda ,
Tonton terus khazanah trans 7 setiap hari pukul 05.30 pagi.
Tonton terus Ruqyah trans 7 setiap sabtu pukul 21.00 malam WIB
Jangan lupa bawa jimat anda
Dengarkan radio ruqyah nurish fm
Tv islam kajian dan ruqyah
Contact Person :
Indra 082111383600
Hafidz 0898 475 4048
Abu azqa 085716863625
NB : mohon maaf panitia tidak menyediakan makan siang.
sebar dan beri manfaat untuk kerabat dan teman anda, barakallahu fiikum
Pemateri: Muhammad Hafidz, Abu Asqa.SQ dan tim komunitas cinta ruqyah.
- mengenali perbedaan ruqyah syar'iyah dan ruqyah syirkiyah
- mengenali perbedaan karomah dan sihir
- mengenali ciri gangguan jjn
- mengenali ciri sihir
- mengenali tentang penyakit 'ain dan pengobatannya
- praktek ruqyah mandiri
- praktek ruqyah berpasangan
- praktek ruqyah berkelompok
- praktek peserta meruqyah peserta lain yg terkena gangguan jin/sihir
- Pendaftaran HIJAMAH Silahkan hubungi Pak Rifky 0822 2554 3130
Insyaallah akan di adakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Minggu / AHAD 31 MEI 2015
pukul 08.00 WIB – SELESAI
Tempat : Masjid Al-IKHWAN
Alamat : Kompleks sukamaju permai Blok S RT 05/ RW12
Kelurahan Kecamatan Cilodong, Depok 2 Timur , Masuk dari Jalan singkarak Raya
atau Perum taman depok permai
bawa keluarga anda yang terkena gangguan jin atau teridikasi gangguan terkena mahluk halus.
Satu Masjid satu peruqyah , satu keluarga satu peruqyah , jadilah peruqyah untuk keluarga anda ,
Tonton terus khazanah trans 7 setiap hari pukul 05.30 pagi.
Tonton terus Ruqyah trans 7 setiap sabtu pukul 21.00 malam WIB
Jangan lupa bawa jimat anda
Dengarkan radio ruqyah nurish fm
Tv islam kajian dan ruqyah
Contact Person :
Pak Rifky 0822 2554 3130
NB : mohon maaf panitia tidak menyediakan makan siang.
sebar dan beri manfaat untuk kerabat dan teman anda, barakallahu fiikum
DI GAMBIR - Jakarta Pusat
Pemateri: Ustadz Hafidzku Alghifari, Abu asqa.SQ dan tim komunitas cinta ruqyah.
- mengenali perbedaan ruqyah syar'iyah dan ruqyah syirkiyah
- mengenali perbedaan karomah dan sihir
- mengenali ciri gangguan jjn
- mengenali ciri sihir
- mengenali tentang penyakit 'ain dan pengobatannya
- praktek ruqyah mandiri
- Praktek Meruqyah untuk penyakit 'Ain
- praktek ruqyah berpasangan
- praktek ruqyah berkelompok
- praktek peserta meruqyah peserta lain yg terkena gangguan jin/sihir
Insyaallah akan di adakan pada :
Hari / Tanggal : Minggu / AHAD 6 juni 2015
pukul 08.00 WIB – SELESAI
Tempat : Masjid Nurun Ala Nurin
Alamat : Jl Petojo Selatan No 20 Kelurahan Petojo Utara Kecamatan Gambir - Jakarta pusat
bawa keluarga anda yang terkena gangguan jin atau teridikasi gangguan terkena mahluk halus.
Satu Masjid satu peruqyah , satu keluarga satu peruqyah , jadilah peruqyah untuk keluarga anda ,
Tonton terus khazanah trans 7 setiap hari pukul 05.30 pagi.
Tonton terus Ruqyah trans 7 setiap sabtu pukul 21.00 malam WIB
Jangan lupa bawa jimat anda
Dengarkan radio ruqyah nurish fm
Tv islam kajian dan ruqyah
Contact Person :
Novel 0812 8712 4412
H.sutrisno 0858 1495 7300
Hafidz 0898 475 4048
Abu azqa 085716863625
NB : mohon maaf panitia tidak menyediakan makan siang.
sebar dan beri manfaat untuk kerabat dan teman anda, barakallahu fiikum

Menyiram Air Panas bisa Mengenai Jin

Apa benar, menyiram air panas bisa melukai jin? Dan jin bisa membalasnnya dengan mengganggu org yg menyiram?

Lalu bagaimana caranya agar trhindar dari gangguan mereka? Trims.
Bismillah was shalatu was salamu ‘ala Rasulillah, amma ba’du,
Banyak ulama menegaskan bahwa membuang air panas bisa mengganggu jin. Sekalipun tidak ada dalil tegas yang menunjukkan hal itu, namun ini semua terbukti secara realita.
Syaikhul Islam menuliskan,
وصرع الجن للإنس هو لأسباب ثلاثة : تارة يكون الجني يحب المصروع فيصرعه ليتمتع به وهذا الصرع يكون أرفق من غيره وأسهل وتارة يكون الإنسي آذاهم إذا بال عليهم أو صب عليهم ماء حارا أو يكون قتل بعضهم أو غير ذلك من أنواع الأذى وهذا أشد الصرع وكثيرا ما يقتلون المصروع وتارة يكون بطريق العبث به كما يعبث سفهاء الإنس بأبناء السبيل
Jin yang merasuk ke tubuh manusia, bisa terjadi karena tiga sebab:
Pertama, karena jin ini menyukai orang yang dia rasuki. Jin merasukinya, agar dia bisa merasa tenang dengannya. Kerasukan semacam ini paling ringan dan palling mudah dari pada yang lain.
Kedua, karena manusia mengganggu jin, misalnya dengan mengencingi jin atau menyiram air panas ke jin. Atau membunuh salah satu jin, atau bentuk gangguan lainnya. Ini jenis kerasukan paling berat, dan bahkan seringkali bisa menyebabkan terbunuhnya orang yang kerasukan.
Ketiga, kerasukan karena sebab jin main-main. Layaknya anak-anak nakal yang suka ganggu orang lewat.
(Majmu’ Fatawa, 13/82)
Beliau juga mengatakan,
وقد يكون وهو كثير أو الأكثر عن بغض ومجازاة مثل أن يؤذيهم بعض الإنس أو يظنوا أنهم يتعمدوا أذاهم إما ببول على بعضهم وإما بصب ماء حار وإما بقتل بعضهم وإن كان الإنسي لا يعرف ذلك – وفي الجن جهل وظلم – فيعاقبونه بأكثر مما يستحقه
Dan terkadang – dan ini sering terjadi – pada sebagian orang – bahwa ada orang yang mengganggu jin atau jin merasa manusia ini sengaja mengganggu mereka, dengan mengencingi jin atau menyiram air panas, atau membunuh mereka. Meskipun manusia sama sekali tidak mengetahuinya. Sementara jin juga ada yang dzalim dan bodoh masalah aturan.. sehingga mereka membalas kesalahan yang dilakukan orang itu lebih kejam lagi. (Majmu’ Fatawa, 19/40).
Untuk itulah, hendaknya setiap muslim berhati-hati ketika membuang air panas.
Beberapa Adab yang Perlu Diperhatikan
Pertama, aktifkan dzikir pagi petang. Karena dzikir pagi petang ibarat baju besi bagi manusia, yang menjadi sebab Allah melindungi orang yang rutin membacanya dari gangguan makhluk yang kelihatan dan yang tidak kelihatan.
Kedua, hindari membuang air di tempat yang umumnya dihuni jin.
Sebagian ulama menyarankan agar tidak dibuang di kamar mandi. Karena kamar mandi termasuk tempat favorit jin dalam rumah. Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
Dari Zaid bin Arqam Radhiyallahu ‘anhu, Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
إِنَّ هَذِهِ الْحُشُوشَ مُحْتَضَرَةٌ فَإِذَا أَتَى أَحَدُكُمُ الْخَلاَءَ فَلْيَقُلْ أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ
Sesungguhnya tempat buang air itu dikerubuti (oleh setan). Karena itu, apabila kalian masuk toilet, bacalah:
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ
‘Aku berlindung kepada Allah dari setan lelaki dan setan wanita’ (HR. Ahmad 19807, Abu Daud 6, Ibn Majah 312 dan yang lainnya).
Karena itu, dalam fatwa islam diingatkan,
فليحترز المسلم من صب الماء الحار في الحمامات أو غيرها ؛ لئلا يصيب الجن وهو لا يعلم ، فيصيبونه بأذى ، ومثل هذا يعرف بالتجربة ، ولا نعلم فيه شيئاً عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أو عن أحد من أصحابه رضي الله عنهم .
Hendaknya setiap muslim hati-hati ketika membuang air panas di kamar mandi atau tempat lain, agar tidak mengenai jin, sementara dia tidak tahu. Semacam ini berdasarkan realita di lapangan, meskipun kami tidak mengetahui ada riwayat dari Nabi Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam maupun para sahabat Radhiyallahu ‘anhum. (Fatwa Islam no. 226625).
Termasuk yang perlu dihindari adalah membuang air panas di lubang-lubang tanah.
Dari Qatadah, dari Abullah bin Sirjis, beliau mengatakan,
أَنَّ النَّبِيَّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ نَهَى أَنْ يُبَالَ فِي الْجُحْرِ
Bahwa Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam melarang kencing di lubang.
Qatadah ditanya, ‘Mengapa kencing di lubang dilarang?’
Jawab beliau:
إِنَّهَا مَسَاكِنُ الْجِنِّ
“Lubang itu tempat persembunyian jin.” (HR. Ahmad 19847, Nasai 34, Abu Daud 29, dan dihasankan Syuaib al-Arnauth).
Ketiga, jika diperlukan, baca basmalah sebelum membuang air panas
Misalnya, ketika kondisi kita berada di tempat asing, atau kita merasa sangat khawatir dengan satu tempat tertentu, kita bisa membaca basamalah sebelum membuang air panas.
Syaikh Abdurrahman al-Barrak pernah ditanya,
Apakah ada anjuran untuk membaca basmalah ketika seeorang membuang air panas?
Jawab beliau,
لا أذكر أنه ورد الندب في التسمية في خصوص ما ذُكر، لكن ذكرك لله من الأسباب التي دلت النصوص أنه يطرد الشياطين ويمنع من شرهم ، كما شُرعت التسمية عند الاضطجاع ، وعند دخول المنـزل
Saya tidak mengetahui adanya dalil yang menganjurkan memmbaca basamalah secara khusus untuk kasus yang disebutkan. Akan tetapi menyebut nama Allah termasuk salah sebab yang ditunjukkan oleh dalil bahwa itu bisa mengusir setan dan menghalangi kejahatan mereka. Sebagaimana kita dianjurkan untuk membaca basamalah ketika tidur atau ketika masuk rumah.
Kemudian belia melanjutkan,
فأرجو أن ما يفعله الناس في مثل هذه الأحوال التي أُشير إليها في السؤال أرجو أنه حسن؛ لأن صب الماء الحار ولا سيما في بعض المواضع التي يمكن أن تكون مسكناً للجن يُخشى أن يكون له أثر انتقامي، فإذا ذكر الإنسان اسم الله فقال: باسم الله، كان ذلك سبباً في طرد ما يخشى من شر الشياطين
Saya berharap apa yang dilakukan masyarakat dengan membaca basmalah ketika membuang air panas sebagaimana yang ditanyakan, saya berharap ini termasuk perbuatan baik. Karena membuang air panas, terlebih di tempat-tempat yang mungkin itu dihuni jin, dikhawatirkan akan menyebabkan balas dendam. Jika seseorang membaca basmalah, ini bisa menjadi sebab menjauhkan dari kekhawatiran akan dampak kejahatan setan. (al-Arak Majmu’ Fatawa al-Barrak).

Kisah Meruqyah Jin

Syaikh Abdul Aziz as-Sidhan menceritakan,
Saya pernah menghadiri acara ruqyah orang yang kesurupan. Terjadi dialog antar jin dan peruqyah,
Peruqyah: ‘Mengapa kamu masuk ke badan orang ini’
Jin: ‘Orang ini membuang air mendidih dan mengenai anakku, sampai mati.’
Peruqyah: ‘Itu karena dia tidak tahu ada anakmu di tempat itu.’
Jin: ‘Mengapa dia tidak membaca basmalah sehingga anakku bisa menghindar sebelum dia buang air panas.’
(Syarh kitab ad-Dakwah ilallah wa Akhlak ad-Duat, dinukil dari Fatwa Islam no. 226625).
Allahu a’lam.
Dijawab oleh Ustadz Ammi Nur Baits (Dewan Pembina