Thursday, December 26, 2013

Nothing burning but smoke coming out from the carpet

During the ruqyah S saw smoke coming out from the carpet in front where S was seating.  Her older daughter was in that room too so S was asking her daughter if her daughter also saw the smoke.  S repeated the question and her daughter said no she did not see the smoke.  I then told S that I believe it and it may not be seen by other people in that room, but I believe it because one time when I did ruqyah on 54 years old lady, the lady was going to run because she was afraid there was a big black man which made her very scare stood in front of her but there were eight other people including me in that room did not see the man described by the lady.  So I told S that she did not have to try to convince us what she saw was true because I believe she did saw smoke coming out from the carpet.

I visited S family every week because I am teaching one of her daughters so some time when I had interesting story I shared to her and her husband.  Last week her husband made a comment that would be a good idea for his wife S to be checked too then S response was for her husband too.  I go to teach S’s daughter every Saturday so I always see the whole family at home but today her husband was not at home, had some thing to do fixing the bike or something.
I told S that we can try to do it on her today but actually especially having it done on some one for the first time I always like for my husband also to be with me because we didn’t know what reaction might have.  S respond by saying some thing like she sure there was nothing on her but just good the have it done like for cleansing.  So I agreed but what I had in my mind was should there be a reaction which I think its not a good idea to continue, I would stop and to redo it next time with my husband or at least there is another strong grown up with me who can help the physical fight if it is necessary.
S also wanted to have it done on her oldest daughter Z so I told them we can do it to both the same time.  Both were seating on the carpet facing kiblat and I was seating behind them.  The minor reactions they experienced were Z felt on her chest something but according to Z, that was a normal because when ever she heard some one shouting her chest would feel that way.  I was not shouting but I was reciting verses of the Qur’an out loud right behind her close to her ear so Z said that her chest felt that way was beause of that.  Unlike with S, her left toe was moving by itself like shaking after I pinched her toe.  I actually I did not pinch her toe, I was just holding her toe with my fingers.  S also saw the smoke coming out of the carpet in front of her.
I suggested for them to do the follow up until when I recite verses of the Qur’an on either of them, they don’t have any reaction and S agreed.  But then S was telling me about one of her friends whom she thinks that there may be something on her that needs to be cleaned.  During the process of her friend’s divorce, her friend’s ex-husband told her he would make sure that her friend would never get re-married.  It has been a very long time her friend was still single.  I told S that I would tell my husband about her.
Do the follow up on January 8, 2012
Both S & Z did not feel anything different or any unusual feeling while I was reciting verses of the Qur’an (to do the ruqyah on them).  They drank the water and the water taste normal.  But S was still seeing the smoke came out from the carpet in front of her.  The smoke was not thick and was not as much as when the ruqyah was done the first time on her, but there was still smoke came out from the carpet in front of where she was seating but nothing was burning.  No one in that room saw the smoke but only S who saw the smoke.  She saw the smoke only when I was doing the ruqyah on her and the smoke was gone when I stop.  Subhanallah
 Do the follow up on January 28, 2012
Because when the ruqyah were done on the first and the second time Z did not saw any reaction at all so I did it today only to S.  According to S, she was still seeing some some on the carpet in front of her but very light.  When the ruqyah was done on her the first time the smoke was very thick from the flame burning carpet and on the second time there was only the smoke but the smoke was lighter not as thick as the first time and also was not as much as the first time.  The smoke was in the area on the carpet in front of her and was about approximately a feet hight.  The first and the second time were done in the living room and she sat on the same place but this time, the third time was done in the children’s bedroom but still she saw the smoke but lighter then the second time.  So I suggested for her to continue to do the ruqyah until she does not see anything or have any reaction and she agreed.


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