Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Disturbed Foreign Student

On Monday October 17, 2011, my friend, V, called and asked if If can do ruqyah on her god child O.  V said O is a smart student but the last three weeks, he has been having problem to focus and that he could not study at all.  So last night, Wednesday October 19th, V came with her husband and O to my friend’s house in Daly City, Y&A’s house, where I teach Qur’an every Wednesday evening.  Since it was already time to pray Magrib, after Magrib, I asked O if he had heard about ruqyah and or if he knew what ruqyah is and
his said no.  So I explain to him that I would read verses of Qur’an out loud on him and for him to ask God, Allah S.W.T., helps to cure him what ever that has been bothering him.  While reciting verses of Qur’an, I touch various parts of O, such as his his back, his head, his thumbs, and his third eye (between his eyes).  When my left hand was touching his back, shortly afer I recited the Qur’an, my hand was shaking.  I then put my left hand on his head and my hand was bounching up and down due to the pressure from the inside of O’s head.  My friends who were seating near O also noticed both O’s hands and legs were shaking rapidly.  I told V to put her hand on O’s head and V was also kind of shocked when feeling her hand was also bouncing up and down.
I told O to drink the water the one I had recited verses of the Qur’an over it then I asked him how he felt.  He said that when listening to the verses of the Qur’an I recited, he felt his right shoulder and his back was tingling and when I asked him if he knew that practically he was shaking, he said yes, he noticed but did not know why because he never had experience that way.
I continued reciting the Qur’an to finish.  Before O left Y’s house I told him to pay attention to see if he feels any thing unusual to tell V so V can report it back me.  O was already purchased airline ticket to go back home for good because he couldn’t focus and study here in the States.
While I was still in Y’s house, V sent text message to tell us that V called O’s mother and told his mother that V took her son O to have the ruqyah done and his mother was happy to hear that but his mother also told V that when the mother found out the son was going to go home not continue with his study because he couldn’t study he couldn’t focus, his mother then was told that some one was jealous to her son and did not want to see her son to  succeed but his mother never tell V thinking that V may not believe it.  So his mother really thanking V bringing his son to ruqyah. 
The next day V called and told me that O called her and told her that as soon as V & her husband dropped him off at his house, O went to sleep, slept very good and when woke up he feels good, did not feel depress at all in fact he gets together with his school friends to study together. 
On December 9, 2011, I received a message from V stating “K.H., how are you..? Yesterday got the news from O’s mom, January O starts his school in Singapore, as soon as he arrived in where his mom is, he was taken to his Qur’an teacher to have the ruqyah done by his teacher and his teacher said O is good now because when O did ruqyah in the States was successful so the ruqyah done by his teacher was just the follow up.  Thank you very much K.H., only God who can reward for all what you have done.


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