Monday, December 30, 2013

The spell cause son turned against own mother

 An irritable lady who quickly gets angry became calm & peaceful after the ruqyah was done on her.  
NS is one of the people in the Wednesday night’s gathering in Y’s house in Daly City, Califfornia.  Every one in the group knows that I am a ruqyah practitioner so some one asked me if I could do the ruqyah on NS and that person also told NS to have it done that night which she agreed.  Right after we finished the Isya prayer, I started the ruqyah on NS.  First NS was seating facing the kiblat but a few minutes after I strted, NS got up and walked away toward the kitchen and said “I don’t want it, I don’t want it, I am afraid!”  I asked her whom you were afraid of and her replied was “there is big black figure in front of me, I am afraid!”  There were eight other people including me in that room and no one seen anything so first I told NS to go back and seat down then Y was also told her not to go any where and to seat down to finish what I was doing on NS(the way I was telling her was with a high tone and ordered her to go back and seat)
NS went back to the living room and seat down again.  Shortly after I started the ruqyah on NS again, NS held her head with her two hands and said “my head hurt, my head hurt!”  I started asking questions in my attempt to have a conversation with the Jinn to find out why was in NS’ body, how long has been there, how many were they, what was his/her name and what her/his faith was but all NS did was shaking her head refused to answer anything.  I remembered I have a bottle of holy water in my bag so I asked some one in that room to get the water from my bag for me.  I asked Y to put the water in the cup and to put a tiny salt for NS to drink.            
I have been performing ruqyah in Y’s house so  many times in  the past and we always fully prepared before hand but no one had experience wanting to throw up so that night no one think that NS will be throwing up so no one prepared for it but right after NS drank the water, she felt like going to throw up so Y and W were rushed went to the kitchen to get plastic bag for NS.  It was just a perfect timing as soon as we go the plastick bag, NS began throwing up.  It took NS very long time making so much noice like wanting to throw up but only little wanter came out .  While she was throwing up, she also cried and she was in tears so I asked why she was crying she said already left, already left.  I ignored her saying the jinn already left her body instead I continued reciting the ruqyah until finish what I was going to recite.  NS then was touching her head and asked if there was blood on her head.  I told her no there was no blood on her head but she did not believe me because she said when I was reciting verses of the Qur’an, her head was hurting especially when I was removing the nail from her head.  NS insisted that I pulled the nail out from her head actually I did not do anything oher than just reciting Al-Qur’an on her.
When it was all done, other person who witnessed there asked NS why she got up and tried to leave the room and her response was “I did not go anywhere, I was told to seat here and I was just seat here the whole time until now and I did not go anywhere.”  NS also said “what you mean I tried to go, I came with W and if I go home, I go home with W.”   Other people also asked NS why wha she felt when she was throwing up but NS seemed puzzled with the question and she repeat the word “throwing up?” she said “I did not throw up, I never throw up.”  NS did not remember anything what she just adid in Y’s house so we tried tell her what she did but she did not believe us at all.  About the throwing up she insisted telling us that she did not throw up and she also said even when she was pregnant that she never throwing up like most people.
Before she went home, I told her to pay attention how she feel at home, how she sleep and to tell me if she feel anything unusual.
The next morning I received a text message from NS as follows:
“Assalamualaikum tante, I did not sleep good last night, I was sleeping but like I was not sleeping,  some one came me to my room and told me not to do it again.  May be it was just my imagination, but I feel good, my head feel lighter and my mind feel relax, one more thing my mouth feel bitter and there is fresh blood in my mouth.  God willing all is good ok tante, thank you.”

Follow up on the spell cause son turned against own mother

February 23, 2011 – NS, SR, and LS dirumah Y
The night I was going to do the follow up ruqyah on NS, SR came and wanted me to do the follow up on her too.  SR was told by her doctor that her kidney was shrinking but was cured after the ruqyah done on her.  Because SR lives far away, so I did ruqyah on SR first.  SR did not show any reaction and according to SR, she did feel anything so I gave her the water that I had recited verses of Qur’an over it to drink.  After SR drank it a little, she stop and said the water tasted like a rutten egg but I told her to drink it because that was just regular water so she drank all the water.     
After I did SR, I immediately ruqyah NS.  This was the second time but NS was still showing being possesed so I questioned the entity and to let me know his/her name, but it wouldn’t response so I continued reciting Qur’an out loud and repeating my questions several times.  It took long time to get the entity to start to talk so finally it says his name was Mansur, a Syiah muslim and has been in NS’s body in the past two years.  After the Jinn started to talk, I began telling him to leave NS’ body.  I told the jinn that God is Most Gracious and Most Merciful so I told Jinn to ask forgiveness from God and to leave NS’ body but the jinn response and said he did not get out because he afraid.  I then asked the Jinn if he was alone or was there any other jinns with him in NS’ body and he said he was the only one left, the rest had left.  I told him he should not afraid to anything othen than to God who created him and the human being.  I told him that God created the Jinn and human being to live together on earth but not to live in the human being’s body because if he did not want to leave, God will punish him and the punishment is going to be in a hell fire for the rest of his live forever and ever and will never get out from the hell-fire, finally he agreed to leave.  I asked him where he was going to get out from, the jinn said will leave from NS’ ears so I continued reciting but suddently NS raised her hands toward her ears and she covered both of her ears.  NS  covered both of her ears and her hands were very strong.  Four people who were in that room walked toward NS tried to remore NS’ hands away from her ears but it was not easy.  They were two strong guys, AH and Jammie, Y and I struggled in our attempt to remove NS’ hands away from her ears but with our strength we did it and a few seconds afer that NS regained conscious.
I can not see jinn (demon) but based on my experience, when I am reciting verses of the Qur’an on some one if there is jinn in that person, the person will feel either something moving around in the body, numbness in part of the body, hearing static in both ears, feeling pressure in part of the body, the person is crying for no reason, or becomes unconcious so the sign I get when the jinn already leaves the body is the person gaines conscious and most time like the person who just wakes up from sleeping because the person did not remember anything.  
Follow up on January 18, 2012
 January 18, 2012 – Since it has been almost a year since last time the ruqyah was done on NS, NS wanted me to do the ruqyah on her again just to check so I did it on the evening of January 18, 2012. 
NS did not feel anything and there was no unusual reaction on her but after she drank the water, the water that I had recited verses of Qur’an on it, her stomach has became harden.  I touched her stomach and continued reciting over and over in which then NS was throwing up small amount of liquid.  I continued reciting while placing my left hand on her head and the finger of my right hand on her face between her eye.  As soon as I touched her face between her eyes, NS was pulling my right hand away from her and was stopping me on placing my finger on her face.  When Y’s husband, A, noticed that NS was pushing my hand away from touching her, A came to help by holding both of NS’s hands.  I questioned NS by asking whats your name?  She replied and said Mansur.  When I heard his name was Mansur, I remembered the Jinn the one in NS’s body a year ago was also Mansur so I asked him why he returned to her body.  He did not reply but then her face was changed back to normal and she seemed back conscious so I continued reciting to the end.
The next morning NS called me and said she slept very good and her mind felt clear and relax so she thank me for doing ruqyah on her.  But I was not convinced that the Jinn actually left her body for good because what I was afraid of the Jinn purposely left NS’s body in the middle of the ruqyah session to make me believe that he has gone but he will return to NS’s body later.  What made me think that the Jinn may go in and out a person body was based on the knowledge I got from doing lots of reading and hearing stories of this nature.  So I suggested for NS to do the follow up ruqyah again the following week and she agreed.
Follow up on January 25, 2012
There was no reaction from NS on the first one-half (1/2) of the session but then her middle fingers of her left hand became numb and then her right feet was cramp.  There were three other persons in that room, my husband SY, Y and K.  I continued reciting and I put my hand on her head but then she tried to remove my hand from her head to stop me placing my hand on her head because it was hurting her.  When SY, Y & K saw me struggled, then they came near me and helped me by restraining NS’s hands.  NS was so strong even three person were struggled holding NS’s hands.  With three helpers I was able to continue asking questions and suggesting what was best for the jinn to do.  When I asked for his name, he said Mansur and when I asked how long he’s been in NS’s body, he said six months.  So I told the jinn that God created human being and the jinni to live together on earth but not to live on a person’s body so I warn him to ask God to forgive him then to leave NS’s body and also threaten the Jinn if continue stay in NS’s body I would burn him and the hell fire is his place in the day after.  NS then was looking toward the front door as if she saw some one came in from the front door and walked toward her, her hands gestures was waving as if inviting the person to come closer but then her hands gesture reversed by waving to let the person to go away and said ok, ok.
NS then in tears, she seemed so sad then told me that my deceased husband came, whispered on my right ear and said “be strong, be strong, I know you can do it, think of the children, be patient for the shake of the children.” then the deceased husband took Mansur with him.  So in NS’s eyes, her deceased husband who came and helped to get the Jinn out of her body.  Subhanallah

Ruqyah Mandiri itu bersinergi dengan ODOJ ( One Day One Juz) !

Untung Wibowo 
Melakukan terapi Ruqyah Syariah Mandiri itu gampang gampang mudah.

Gampang Teorinya:
Luruskan akidah dan jauhi maksiat dan syirik.

Gampang Perakteknya:
- Niat mau rukyah;
- Baca surat/ ayat Al Quran;
- Tiup ke telapak tangan;
- Gosok ke seluruh tubuh.


Ruqyah itu terapi, mesti konsisten dan kontinyu. Nah saya yang pemalas ini agak susah untuk konsisten. Butuh suatu sistem untuk membuat saya rutin melakukan sesuatu.

Alhamdulillah kini saya mengenal program brilian bernama One Day One Juz disingkat #ODOJ. Program ini mengajak kita untuk mengkhatamkan 1 Juz perharinya. Briliannya dimana? Karena ada supporting system yang mengingatkan dan mendorong kita untuk menyelesaikan Juz yang menjadi giliran kita untuk dikhatamkan setiap harinya.

Sekarang saya sambil mengkahatamkan Juz juga niat melakukan Ruqyah Syari Mandiri  (
agar semua penyakit baik fisik, psikis, gangguan jin dan sihir disembuhkan Allah). Alhamdulillah hasilnya menggembirakan


Quranic Regression technique adalah tehnik menemukan kembali sumber halusinasi, sumber gangguan jin dan sihir yang dipakai untuk membantu menyelesaikan persoalan kehidupan, permasalahan mental dan sakit fisik.

Berdasarkan pengalaman saya cukup 1 kali sesi terapi permasalannya akan ditemukan jalan keluarnya.
Studi kasus 1 (pengembalian nafs):
pada hari kedua training QH level 2 di Batam, Saya mengatakan pada peserta wanita, "Adakah diantara ibu-ibu atau mba-mba yang sering merasakan dirinya berada disuatu tempat tertentu baik dalam keadaan sadar, setengah sadar atau dalam mimpi"

Lalu ada seorang Ibu mengacungkan tanggannya dan saya suruh agar ibu tersebut duduk disamping saya. Saya lalu meminta ibu tersebut menceritakan masalahnya.

Ibu itu bercerita " Saya sangat tersiksa sebab sering merasa jiwa saya berada dikuburan yang sangat menakutkan dan ini berulang kali saya rasakan. Saya juga kadang dalam keadaan sadar maupun setengah sadar sering diajak oleh dua orang makhluk yang berjubah untuk memasuki istananya dan saya banyak mendapatkan nasihat-nasihat atau informasi ghoib"

Penanganan kasus :
Saya meminta Ibu mengucapkan ta'awudz, shalawat nabi 3 kali dan mengucapkan "Ya Allah hamba memohon lindungilah tubuh fisik dan jiwa hamba dari semua gangguan" lalu saya meminta ibu tsb membaca 3 qul dan mengusapkannya keseluruh tubuh.

Setelah itu saya tuntun Ibu tersebut berdoa kembali "Ya Allah, hamba memohon agar ditunjukkan sumber penyakit hamba yang selalu berhalusinasi, aamiin ya Allah"

Saya lalu mengatakan : sekarang ibu pejamkan mata dan berdzikir "Ya lathifu ya Nuuru" berulangkali sembari berniat untuk kembali berada dikuburan atau lokasi dimana ibu merasa jiwanya sering berpergian"

Selama ibu tersebut berdzikir saya membaca AL-AN’AM 103 dan saya hembuskan kematanya berulang kali.

lalu ibu tersebut mengatakan gelap, lalu saya tuntun untuk mengucapkan "YA Allah ya Nuuru berilah hamba cahaya" Tidak berapa lama ibu tersebut terkejut dan mengatakan sedang berada di kuburan.
Saya lalu mengatakan coba lihat dikuburan adakah makhluk lain? Ibu tersebut ketakutan dan menangis sesungukan dengan mengatakan " banyak sekali makhluk mengerikan ustadz"

lalu saya meminta 400 lebih peserta membaca ayat kursi bersama-sama dengan niat menghancurkan makhluk-makhluk tersebut.

Alhamdulillah Ibu tersebut merasakan makhluk yang membelenggu nafsnya hancur lebur semua.

Setelah itu saya mengatakan, "Ibu sekarang niatnya jiwa ibu pergi dari kuburan itu dan kembali ketubuh fisik ibu" Ucapkan " La Haula Wala Quwwata Illa Billahil Aliyil Adzim" setelah mengucapkan dzikir tsb si ibu tersentak dan merasakan jiwanya sudah kembali.

kasus si ibu dikuburan sudah selesai dituntaskan dan biasanya setelah itu pasien tidak akan akan lagi merasa jiwanya berada dikuburan, namun karena keterbatasan waktu menyelesaian kasus si ibu sering dibawa kesuatu istana kerajaan jin tidak dapat dituntaskan.
JIka ibu tersebut hakikatnya hanya berhalusinasi, maka dengan keyakinan bahwa dia sudah melihat makhluk yang membelenggunya itu hancur dan dia yakin jiwanya kembali ke raganya maka 100% ibu tersebut hilang gangguan psikis sering merasa dikuburan.

JIkapun Ibu tersebut sebagian jiwa/nafsnya hakikatnya dibelenggu oleh jin maka dengan membaca doa ruqyah, Insya Allah, Allah telah menyelamatkan belahan jiwanya yang diculik.

Wallahu a'lam.................

Masih ada 1 lagi praktek penyembuhan psikosomatis tubuh selalu merasa panas dengan Quranic Regression technique (QRT)

Video QRT pada pelatihan kemarin di Batam ada ditangan ustadz Abuazhar Asykari menunggu diedit beliau dan akan saya upload di youtube, Insya Allah..............


Sitaan hari ini..

Gelang besi, bagian dalam terdapat ayat quran ( ayo coba baca )

Dengar cerita saudara, sakit beli obat 1 botol 880rb ( mahal amat ). Silaturahmi ke TKP.

Pasien 1 :
Wanita usia 15 tahun, sering kesurupan, sakit kepala, bablas shalat isya terus.

Pernah diterapi ruqyah, pulang dikasih oleh2 seperti gambar, tapi tidak pernah dipakai.
Pernah di terapi pijit, disuruh buka jilbab ( datang pakai jilbab ), dipijat oleh terapis lelaki ( ngaco habis nih )

Eksekusi : jin bersarang 2tahun, jin di dakwahi,
diambil sumpah,
disuruh pergi ke masjid belajar islam.

Gak sengaja kakaknya ada, sekalian diruqyah. Awalnya menolak karena tidak ada keluhan

Pasien 2 : wanita 24 tahun.sering merasakan berat dipundak, shalat tdk khusyu. Indigo.

Eksekusi :
a. Pernah menolak lelaki. jin bersarang dipaha kanan & kiri, jin diikat dg buhul besi, awalnya susah dihancurkan ( sudah 5 tahun diikat ) setelah dibantu peruqyah alhamdulillah hancur semuanya.
b. Orang tua pasien pernah diberi stagen ( pelilit perut ) dr kakek. pasien merasa perut dililit besi, setelah dibantu peruqyah alhamdulillah lepas.
c. Pasien sering pegal dipundak. Jin bersarang dipundak kanan & kiri + perut.
Pasien merasa mukanya terbungkus topeng, seperti topeng spiderman. Kesusahan diawal untuk melepasnya. Alhamdulillah lepas juga..

Semua jin pasien 2 bersyahadat, diambil sumpah, disuruh pergi ke masjid belajar islam.

Pasien dan keluarga di dakwahi tauhid, lalu me-Ruqyah Rumah.

Pulangnya kehujanan

Having lower back pain Doctor couldn’t cure

In the past few years MT’s lower back was often hurting her but her doctor could not find anything wrong with it so she forced herself to get used to it having back pain.  But after the ruqyah was done on her, her back stop hurting.  Subhanallah.  
 On Saturday, March 5, 2011, when I was teaching the sixteen years old girl at her house, MT came to visit the girl’s mother LL.  LL told MT to have the ruqyah done that day.  We both did the ablution then LL sat down facing the direction of Mecca and I was behind her.  Shortly after I recited verses of
Qur’an, MT’s left hand suddently grabbed her lower back at the same time her body was moving, turning like to ease the pain and a few seconds later she was laying down unconscious on the floor.  At the beginning the jinn refused answering my questions but then after I warned him if he did not want to leave MT’s body I would burn him and God would put him in hell fire for ever the Jinn then said ok, ok he would go.  I asked him from where he was going to leave MT’s body from and he said from her feet.  I continued reciting and shortly after that MT resumed conscious and said oh, oh, what happened?  She then tried to get up and said ”oh I am so tired”.  MT did not remember anything to what had happened with her in the past hour.  MT kept on touching her back and said her back was ok now its not hurting.  So I asked her what happened with her back and she said she has been having lower back problem in the past few years.  She did go to the doctor but her doctor could not help her so she just forced herself to get used to it having back pain. 
A few days later she called me and told me that she felt so strange that now she could say no to her daughter in-law D, to her son TJ and to D’s parents.  MT said that in the past she would just follow and agreeing to what ever they say.
On February 1, 2012, the ruqyah was done on MT again just to check and to make sure that she was OK.  At first she did not want to have it done again but two of her friends, LS & Y, were the one who convinced her to do it.  LS said to MT, its OK just seat down next to me and L because they wanted to have it done on them, so MT sat in the middle between LS & L.  There was no obvious sign indicating either one of them was touched by the jinn except MT.  Shortly after I recited verses of the Qur’an, MT was frowning her face and she did that the entire time until its done.  When its done, MT said there was nothing right, see nothing right!.  MT was trying to compare it with her first experience when she lost consciousness and was very tired when it was done and since this time she thought that she was alert the entire time, so she said she was OK.  I told her that was good and I really hope that she was clean and was not touched by the jinn but I noticed her face was frowning the entire time and did not look normal.  MR responded by saying “oh yaaaa, oh yaaaa, but I don’t feel anything though!”  I told her to pay attention tonight and to let me know if there was something unusual or experiencing something different compares to her past daily activitiesl.
The next day MT told me that lately she was afraid to her daughter in-law D.  MT is a very outspoken person but she said each time she wanted to say something to D she changed her mind and be quite because she was afraid but did not know why.  I asked her how she felt since last night to the next day toward D and her respond was she has not seen D yet because when she came home D has already been sleeping and when she went to work MT still sleeping.  I suggested for MT to do the ruqyah again as a follow up to make sure that she was clear and no reaction at all when I recite the Qur’an on her and she agreed.    

Saturday, December 28, 2013

See clearly and the vision back to normal after ruqyah

Ztn was surprised because suddenly her vision was clear and acted as disbelieved while turning her head around to see everything in the room very clear in the middle of the session which made me stopped reciting the Qur’an to ask her if she was OK.  Ztn said “my eyes are ok now my eyes are ok now and not blury anymore.”  Ztn then said “I went to the eye doctor to check and the doctor said nothing wrong with my eyes and the doctor said I don’t need to change my glasses but everything is blury, I can’t see clear but now my eyes are ok.” 

 My husband and I were visiting my families overseas visiting and the last night before we returned back to the U.S., my younger sister Ztn, her husband and their daughter N came.  While we were talking Ztn asked me if I could do ruqyah on N because N lately got angry for any little things without reason so I suggested to Ztn for me to do the ruqyah on her too and she agreed.
Both Ztn and N seat side by side together and I was behind them.  Shortly after I started the ruqyah on them, Ztn started to get reacted and made so much noice like going to vomit but nothing came out.  I tried to communicate with her but she did not respond instead kept on making noice so I continued recited the Qur’an on them but then all of sudden Ztn was wiping both of her eyes, looked around and said she can see clear, she can see clear.  I did not understand her at first but then I found out that she has been having problem with her eyes which she thought she needed to change her glasses but her doctor said her vision was good. 
N did not have any reaction at all that I can see but according to Ztn, N was good too after the ruqyah, N never get iritated easily and not getting angry for any little things again.

links :

Left ear sick and left cheek numb

The last day visiting family overseas a lady name T who live there asked me if I could do the same to her as what I did to ”I” a few days prior.  She said her ear was sick.  I told her that she needed to go to the doctor to check.  She said she did and was given antibiotic but after having gone to the doctor twice and finished taking the antibiotic but her left ear was still hurting very bad.  One night at 2 o’clock in the morning she was rushed taken to the emergency when the lady who slept in her room heard her crying because of her ear so I told her OK to do it later that night.

At approximately 9 o’clock that evening, I asked my mother to accompany me to go to T’s room.  I told T to get a glass of water for me to recite verses of the Qur’an over it for her to drink then I began reciting Qur’an out loud while I stood next to her.  Shortly after I started, S was touching her left cheek and was making a facial expression like she was really in pain.  So I asked her what happened and she said first she felt lile something was crowling from the back of her body to her shoulder area and up to her neck and head followed with her ear was very painfull then suddently she felt the numbness on her face was dissapeared so that was the reason she was touching her cheeck.  I then told her to drink the water. 
She was so happy so she was thanking me for curing her ear.  I told her to thank to God, Allah S.W.T., because I was not the one curing her ear, I was just reciting the Holy Qur’an. 
The next day I returned back to the U.S. and each time I called my family when S answered the phone she always said thank you to me over and over and S said her ear was good, never got sick again since, Alhamdulillah.

Jinni occupied the house

A female jinni often appeared before the teenagers children,  the parents (M & R), and their friends who were visiting M & R in the hosue.  The jinni often seating in the couch, walking around in the house, in the garage, in the bed rooms but then the jinni was gone after we recited Al-Baqarah, the second surah of the Holy Qur’an, and asked the jinni to leave from the house.  
M heard that I had cleaned some one house so M asked NS to ask me if I could do the same at M’s house.  M lives in the suburb sapproximately 100 miles from San Francisco.  So my husband and I talked it over with our Qur’an group which they exited to it because at the same time we could treat it as going to field trip.

As soon as we arrived in M house, I asked for water in six small bowls.  I divided surah Al-Baqarah into six.  There were more than six people in the group so some read the portion of the Al-Baqarah alone and some were two people together.  Each one has a bowl of water in front of the person.  While we were reading surah Al-Baqarah out loud in front of the water, we stop a few times to blow air from our mouth into the water. 
There was lightening from one wall to the other side of the wall at high speed while we all reading the Qur’an.  Because we were seating on the carpet reading so all our heads were looking at Qur’an in other word our heads were all bending down but all of sudden we were all looking up to the direction where the light was.  So we all witnessed the lightening in the house.
When we all completed reading, we poured all six bowls of water into one bigger bowl and began to go around the house.  We started in the garage spraying the holy water and asking the Jinn to leave the house.  We do the same to every rooms in that house and while we were spraying in the living room, M saw a lady was seating in the middle of the couch.  The lady was wearing hat.  M was the only one who saw the Jinn seating in the couch but after we nicely asked the Jinn to move, she left and never returned.
On December 20, 2011, My husband, my daughter in-law, NS, and I stopped by at M’s house.  M was telling my daughter in-law how greatful she is now compares to before I cleaned the house.  So my daughter in-law asked M what happened before in the house so M said before it was not only M, but all M’s children and husband often got surprised Jinni’s visit without notice.  All off sudden Jinni showed up in front of them any where they were in the house.  they were just being shown by the jinni, so jinni came and gone as the jinni pleased to until they all got used to it living with jinni together in the house.  The jinni never harmed them except to one of M’s daughter whom some time got slapped by the jinni.  M then told my daugher in-law that the house has been good, no jinni in the house ever since I went with my Qur’an study group to M’s house on July 13, 2011 to clean the house and to move the Jinni to move.  Alhamdulillah

Getting the demon out of the person’s body

The evening of July 14, 2011, my friend Y got a phone call from E who knows that I had done exorcisms in Y’s house and asked Y if I can help her friend “I” in San Francisco.  “I” just lost her baby due to miscariage two weeks prior and had been having pain in her stomach.  The doctor has taken all kind of test on “I” and found nothing wrong with her.  I was at work when Y called and asked me if I can help so I told Y to call my husband at home and told him about it.  The following morning, July 15th, my husband and I went to  “I’s” house.  We did not know “I” nor her husband so after we introduced each other, I briefly asked ”I’s” husband R about “I”.  I then gave R the Disclaimer of the Spriritual Healing form for him to fill out and sign prior performing the exorcisms on
“I”.  I asked R to give me 1/2 glas of water for me recite verses of the Qur’an over the water then I began recited a few verses of the Qur’an out loud for “I” to hear while I stood next to her.  A few minutes after that “I started to cry and kind of started losing her consciousness.  I began questioning the demon and telling the demon to leave “I” body.  I warned the demon if not willing to leave her body I would burn him and the hell fire is his place for ever however I also told him that God is most gracious and will forgive him if he leave her body and asked to be forgiven.  First the demon was refused to leave  but after many attempt trying to get him out of her body while I kept on reciting verses of Qur’an out loud finally the demon gave up and told me that he would leave.  I then asked him from where he would leave ”I’s” body and said from her feet.  I told R to get any lotion and told him to apply the lotion on ”I’s” feet in making easier for the demon to leave her body.  Shortly after that moment, “I” gain conscious and woke up.  “I” looked at  us in the room with the puzzled look in her face and said “oh I was in a deep sleep.” Her face looked different than prior the exorcisms was done on her and looked normal.   R’s face was also looked as if he was shock after witnessing of what had happened with his wife and thanked us for coming and helping to cure his wife.  My husband and I then went back home with the good feeling which can not be described and thanking God for helping me to help others.

he demon returned to “I” body

Shortly after I got home, I got ready to go with my husband to the Friday pray at the Mosque then went to work.  I arrived at work at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and approximately an hour later R called me and told me that his wife “I” was getting sick again and starting acting up being posses with demon again.  R said that his wife was laying on the bad but was raising up her feet, her body and scramming because of the pain in her stomach.
R said “I” was good after my husband and I left and according to R, “I” went out visiting friend for a few hours and she seemed back to her normal life but then when she got back home, she started to sick again.  When R was
telling me of what had happened with his wife on the phone, I heard his wife’s voice screaming telling him repeatedly “no, don’t let tante H come again, I don’t want to see tante H.”  And R then told me “Tante, my wife said she does not want to see you again and does not want me to talk to you too.”  While listening to what R said, what went through my mind was the demon must have returned to “I” body so my quick thinking told me to try helping “I” a different way because I was at work which is approximately 30 miles away from where she is so Itold R to calm down, don’t panic, to ignore his wife because it was not her the one who saying that, she was under the influence of the demon and the demon who made her said that and I asked him for his email address for me to send the link of the ruqyah (audio of the reciting verses of the Qur’an) the one my son created for me.  I told him to play it on and turn it at high volume for his wife to hear it.
R followed my instruction very good but that didn’t help.  Family and friends rushed to visit R to help by reciting verses of Qur’an out loud but that didn’t help.  I received a phone call from their friend W whom she is also one of my students who had witnessed I did ruqyah on some one numerous times so I asked W if she was also going to go to R’s house.  W said she just got home from work and will leave the house as soon as she finished to do what she has to do at home for her husband and children.  I told her to call me as soon as W gets in R’s house.  Since I did not hear from W yet, so I called and she said she was just about five minutes away from their house, so I told her to call me as soon as she arrived in their house. 
W called me from R’s house and told me the condition of “I” which was not also was making lots of noise because her stomach was hurting but also her feet and lower part of her body was going up and down uncontrolable.  I told W to look for olive oil in their kitchen then to put the olive oil on the small plate and to get water and put a tiny salt in the water then to call me when she was ready with the oil and the water.  W called me stating she couldn’t find olive oil but there was a regular cooking oil.  I then told  her to go ahead put the regular cooking oil on small plate and to get ready with the water too.  I will call her back in a few minutes.
Because I was at work which was approximately 30 miles away from where they were, I have to go away from the operations so I can recite the Qur’an out loud without any one sees me.  So I told my employees that I would go across the street to the back lot for them to call me.  Actually I did not go to the back lot, I was just staying inside the locked car in the lot.  I called W and told W to put her cell phone on the speaker and put the speaker at high volume then to hold the speaker phone on top of both the oil and the water.  According to W, when she was going to just do what I told her to do, a few people in that house was wondering why W was doing crazy thing and some people even asked W “hey, what are you doing, intead of you helping us here you are doing crazy thing!”  W repeatedly told them that she was on the phone with her teacher and her teacher told her to do that.  W told them just leave me alone now but later on she will tell them what she was doing.  I began reciting the Qur’an over my cell phone and when I was done, I told W to smear the oil on “I” stomach and to give the water to “I” to drink.
W called me again to tell me that “I” refused to drink the water because “I” said she did not want to drink blood.  W tried to convice “I” that it was water the same water she drunk from the same bottle but “I” not only refuse to drink she also screamed that she  did not want to drink the blood.  That was made all the people in that house got puzzled and wondered after what they witnessed.  I told W with the help of R to force the water into “I” mouth, for W to do what it takes to get “I” drink the water. 
So W, R, and other people were seating on the bed restraining ”I”.  R then held “I’s” mouth then pour the water using the spoon into “I’s” mouth.  “I” spat it but some of the water got in her and shortly after that “I” woke up and gained her consciousness. 
“I” noticed there were lots of people in her house, then “I” apologized to them and said sorry I overslept.  ”I” did not have any recolletion what had happened with her at all.   W then called me and told me that “I” was OK did not jumping up and down again and she was OK.  “I” husband R also called me to thank me but I told R if its not too late for R and “I”, I could stop by at their house on my way home from work which was around 1 o’clock in the morning.  R said no problem for me to come that late.
 I left work at midnight and went straight to “I” house.  I was surprised to see at one o’clock in the morning, there were still many people in their house.  When they found out that I was going to come, they were waiting to see me.  As soon as I arrived there, I asked for one-half glass of water and to put a tiny salt in for me to recite verses of Qur’an over the water.  Shortly after I recited verses of Qur’an on ”I”, “I” started to cry and the jinn inside her body took control of her.  When I started reciting “I” was seating down but then when the jinn took control of her, she started laying down and crying.  I then asking questions such as “who are you” “what your name” etc…when I told the jinn to leave “I’s” body, the jinn refused so I threaten the jinn that I would burn the jinn.  Immediately after I told the Jinn that I would burn it, the Jinn said not to burn him and agreed to leave but I told the jinn once leave “I’s” body not to return as it did this morning and the jinn replied ok.  I then asked the jinn from where the jinn would leave “I’s” body and the jinn said from the feet.  I told “I’s” husband R if he can apply a lotion on “I’s” feet and her toe.  While R was putting lotion on “I’s feet, I continued reciting verses of Qur’an and shortly after that “I” woke up and resumed consciousness and as if she was surprised seeing lot of people in her house and apologized to the people there that she was over slept.  She did not remember anything at all what had happened with her. 
On January 3, 2012, for the first time “I” and her husband R came to my Qur’an study and told me that she is good and never been sick again since.  Alhamdulillah

A Posses’ girl next door

On August 26, 2011 morning approximately 9 o’clock, a neighbor’s husband, D, was calling my husand while my husband and I were still sleeping.  My husband got up and went to see D.   D was panicking and asking my husband help to take his wife to the hospital.  My husband then woke me up so we both talked to D.  We found out that K and D were having breakfast but all of sudden K just stood still silent.  D asked K “are you ok?”  K replid back  by saying “are you OK” “are you OK” “are you OK” D then said “are you crazy?” K replied by repeating the question over and over “are you crazy” “are you crazy” are you crazy” when D saw his wife was acting that way, D panicked and went calling my husband for help.  D said to us please help my wife he needed to
take his wife to the hospital.  I asked D if its OK to see his wife and he said OK she is in the bedroom.  My husband and I went to the bedroom to see K.  I called her name, she was not responding then I asked her if she is OK and asked how she felt and she was not responding.  I sensed it something its not right so I asked my husband if we should go ahead try helping her first before taking her to the hospital and my husband said OK.  So we asked D if its OK for us to try to help her first before taking her to the hospital.  D said “oh yes, please, please help my wife.”  So I told him what we were going to do is to try if we can help her by reciting verses of the Qur’an to her.  D was kind of staring at us not sure what went on in his mind for a few seconds then he said OK please help my wife.  So I asked D to give me water in a small bowl and to put a little salt a little bit.  I started reciting some verses of the Qur’an over the water then we went to the bedroom.  D was in the corner of the bed with both of her foot & hands folded closed to her body.  My husband was holding the water and I started reciting verses of the Qur’an out loud next to K.  Whitin a few minutes after I reciting the Qur’an, K moved her foot  and hands to the laying down position and started to fight with me, her face turned dark red (black and red) and her lip became thick and her face looked scary and ugly.  I tried to communicate with her by asking her question but K was not responding not after several times asking her questions repeatedly K started saying something.  My husband and I noticed that K was posses by the demon so my husband started spraying the holly water on her face while I tried to find out how the demon got into her body.  She did mention name so I told the demon to get out of her body.  The demon did not want to leave so I continued reciting Qur’an on her and asked her to leave.  D was watching us and looked so afraid now knowing what will happen with his wife.  I kept on asking the demon to leave but kept on refuse so I told the demon that I would burn the demon if not going to leave her body.  After I told the demon that I would burn it, K then said “no, no, don’t burn it.” so I told the demon to leave then she said OK.  When K said OK, I asked where were you going to leave from K body and she replied back by saying from my feet.  I saw a bottle of lotion on top of small cabinet next the bed so I grabbed the lotion and gave it to my husband.  My husband and D put the lotion on her foot while I kept on reciting Qur’an on her.  All of sudden K woke up.  Her face back normal and asked me “H, what are you doing?” (I think she was surprise to see my husband and I were in her bedroom and we never even go to her bedroom ever before that day) because I was still reciting so I ignore her question.  K then asked me again “what are you saying?” (because she did not understand what I was reciting so she asked me with a puzzled look in her face).  At that time my husband knew that the demon already out of her body so my husband said thats it already out so I stop.  It took us about an hour from the beginning to the end but I was exhausted while K was fresh just people who just woke up from good sleep.  We then went home.
D thanking us for helping him and his wife.  According to D, he told his wife that he was going to take her to the mental hospital.  K did not have any recollection what had happened to her.

A Disturbed Foreign Student

On Monday October 17, 2011, my friend, V, called and asked if If can do ruqyah on her god child O.  V said O is a smart student but the last three weeks, he has been having problem to focus and that he could not study at all.  So last night, Wednesday October 19th, V came with her husband and O to my friend’s house in Daly City, Y&A’s house, where I teach Qur’an every Wednesday evening.  Since it was already time to pray Magrib, after Magrib, I asked O if he had heard about ruqyah and or if he knew what ruqyah is and
his said no.  So I explain to him that I would read verses of Qur’an out loud on him and for him to ask God, Allah S.W.T., helps to cure him what ever that has been bothering him.  While reciting verses of Qur’an, I touch various parts of O, such as his his back, his head, his thumbs, and his third eye (between his eyes).  When my left hand was touching his back, shortly afer I recited the Qur’an, my hand was shaking.  I then put my left hand on his head and my hand was bounching up and down due to the pressure from the inside of O’s head.  My friends who were seating near O also noticed both O’s hands and legs were shaking rapidly.  I told V to put her hand on O’s head and V was also kind of shocked when feeling her hand was also bouncing up and down.
I told O to drink the water the one I had recited verses of the Qur’an over it then I asked him how he felt.  He said that when listening to the verses of the Qur’an I recited, he felt his right shoulder and his back was tingling and when I asked him if he knew that practically he was shaking, he said yes, he noticed but did not know why because he never had experience that way.
I continued reciting the Qur’an to finish.  Before O left Y’s house I told him to pay attention to see if he feels any thing unusual to tell V so V can report it back me.  O was already purchased airline ticket to go back home for good because he couldn’t focus and study here in the States.
While I was still in Y’s house, V sent text message to tell us that V called O’s mother and told his mother that V took her son O to have the ruqyah done and his mother was happy to hear that but his mother also told V that when the mother found out the son was going to go home not continue with his study because he couldn’t study he couldn’t focus, his mother then was told that some one was jealous to her son and did not want to see her son to  succeed but his mother never tell V thinking that V may not believe it.  So his mother really thanking V bringing his son to ruqyah. 
The next day V called and told me that O called her and told her that as soon as V & her husband dropped him off at his house, O went to sleep, slept very good and when woke up he feels good, did not feel depress at all in fact he gets together with his school friends to study together. 
On December 9, 2011, I received a message from V stating “K.H., how are you..? Yesterday got the news from O’s mom, January O starts his school in Singapore, as soon as he arrived in where his mom is, he was taken to his Qur’an teacher to have the ruqyah done by his teacher and his teacher said O is good now because when O did ruqyah in the States was successful so the ruqyah done by his teacher was just the follow up.  Thank you very much K.H., only God who can reward for all what you have done.

father lost his job and daughter got sick five times ruqya

Tuesday evening of November 22, 2011 while gothering in Y’s house, Y told my husband and I about her extended family in Texas whom just recently returned from their overseas trip suddently the father lost his job and their 6 years-old daughter got sick.  While they were overseas, their daughter was vomitting blood and got really sick.  As soon as they arrived back in the States, they took their daughter N to the doctor.  The doctor said that there is something in N’s kidney.  After Y hearing their story, Y told the family about me who had helped many people by reciting verses of the Holy Qur’an Allah S.W.T. cured their sicknesses.  Because Y knew that I had helped people by reciting the verses of  the Qur’an over the phone so she suggested for me to do the same to her family in Texas while I am in the Bay Area.
First I talked to E, the husband and told him that what I would do was just to recite the Holy Qur’an over the phone and for him to ask Allah S.W.T. to cure her daughter.  I told E to take wudu and for his daugher N to do the same.  I also told him to get drinking water in a glass and to put a tiny salt, then for both E and N to face kiblat, the direction of prayer.
I was in the room with Y with two phones.   I told E’s wife to help me by having two phones with her; one phone for her to have it on with Y to tell Y if there was any reaction of her husband or her daughter while I was reciting the Qur’an and for NN to put the second phone on the speaker to hold the speaker phone above the drinking water.  So one NN’s hand was holding the speaker phone and the other s hand was holding the phone to talk to Y.
The entire time while I was reciting the Qur’an, I did not hear anything from Y so NN did not say anything.  After I finished reciting the Qur’an, I asked E if he felt anything when he was listening the Qur’an read by me over the speaker phone, he said he did not feel anything but her daughter’s feet kept on moving and her daughter also kept on  yawning.  NN told Y and I that while I was reciting the Qur’an, the water inside the glass was moving and splashing and the water reached the phone so the phone got wet but NN decided not to tell Y .  I then told NN to give the water to her husband and her daughter to drink.  According to E, at first the water tasted normal just like regular water but then it tasted different, its bitter.  After both E and N drunk the water I told them to pay attention tonight and to tell me tomorrow any unusual they might have experience.  I told them normally most people whom I have recited the verses of Qur’an over them, they slept very good so for them to let me know.
While I was still in Y house, approximately an hour later, Y received a text message from NN and said her daughter’s left leg was hurting and NN herself felt something from her neck all the way to her back.  So according to NN, she recited ayatul Qursi, the verses in the Qur’an over and over until her daughter felt a sleep.

First follow up to father lost his job and daughter got sick
Before we ended our conversation on Tuesday Nov. 22nd, we scheduled to talked again to follow up two days later which was on Thursday, the Thanksgiving day, Nov. 24th.  NN said that the family was going to go to a friend house during the day so because they are two hours ahead, we agreed to talk again bentween 5 and 6 PM California time.  NN did call me and told me that they were in his friend’s house and also said they should be home the time we have agreed upon which is between 7 and 8 PM their time.  I called NN and left a message.
When I was driving home from work, NN called me and told me that she accidentally left her cell phone in her friend’s house so she called me using her daughter’s phone.  NN told me that her daughter N slept  good that night after I recited the Qur’an to her the other day.  Actually eversince she got sick, she has been cranky, has not been sleeping well, and always wanted to be with her mother but since that night N slept good.  NN asked me if I can do the same again to them yesterday but I told her I could not because I was driving home so I told her lets do it again tomorrow.

Second follow up to father lost his job and daughter got sick
Between 3 and 4 PM today, we were on the phone again to do the ruqyah over the phone again but this time were going to do it to all the three of them, the father (E), the six years old daughter (N), and to the wife (NN).  E & N were seating next to each other and N was seating on NN’s lap.  They put a glass of water in front of them for either E or NN to hold the speaker’s phone on top of the glass.  
The reactions while they were hearing me reciting the Qur’an were:  E and N were sleepy and yawning a lot but NN was not sleepy instead she felt heaviness around her neck and her head.  According to NN, her daughter N is very skiny and light weight but shortly after hearing me reciting the Qur’an, NN felt that her daughter was very heavy and when NN was trying to lift N to reposition N on her lap she could not do it because N was very heavy.  
After they told me what their reactions were, I told them to drink the water.  E and N drank the water but NN just drank it a little because she said the water did not taste good.  Based on my experience the reason NN did not want to drink the water was because of the spirit who might have stayed in her body who did not want to drink the water so I told NN to drink it which she did.  Shortly after NN drunk the water, she felt like to vomit so I told her thats good and for her vomit if she felt like to which she did.  After she vomit, the heaviness around her neck and head dissapeared.
I told them to continue to pay attention to how they feel and to let me know any reaction they may have experience after this ruqyah session.  I suggessted for them to text message me to keep me updated and we scheduled to talk again tomorrow and the next day.

3rd follow up of father lost his job and daughter got sick
Before we started, I asked each of them how were they last night after the 2nd follow up.  They were all OK nothing unusual to tell me except the heaviness of NN’s neck and head dissapeared after she vomit the result of the 2nd follow up.  After I finished recited the Qur’an over the speaker phone to them again today, N and NN did not feel anything this time but E felt heaviness on his right back and both of his ears were static hearing irritable voices during and after the session. 
I told them to drink the water and this time they all said the water was normal as regular water.  So after the 4th session E got the reaction but his wife & his daughter got their reactions in their first 3 sessions but not during the 4th session. 
E was worried about the static on both of his ears and the heaviness on his back so I told him God Willing he should not worry and because of E’s reaction, we scheduled to do the follow up again tomorrow and we should continue doing it until either one of them feels anything when listening me reciting the Qur’an. 

4th follow up father lost his job daughter got sick
The heaviness on E’s back stayed throughout the night last night until he woke up for the morning prayer.  After he prayed the morning prayer then he gradually feeling better.  N & NN were OK.  After we do the ruqyah over the speaker phone again today, N & NN were OK, did not feel anything but E was yarning three times but he was not sleepy.  N, NN, E then drank the water but this time the water tasted bitter to E. 
Since E was still having some kind of reaction, I told them to do the follow up again tomorrow.

5th Follow up father lost his job and daugher got sick
I was glad that this time neither of them, E, NN, & N have any reaction when I was reciting verses of the Qur’an over the speaker phone to them but when they drank the water, E still felt the water was bitter but it was not as bitter as the day before.  So I told them to thank to God because if they did not feel anything or had any reactions, thats mean is a good sign.  I told them to let me know what the doctor said if they bring N back to do the follow up with the doctor about her kidney.  Since E still feel the water tasted bitter even though is not too bitter, I told him to recite surah Al-Baqarah over water and for him to drink the water everyday.
On Friday July 6, 2012, when I was at the Los Angeles Convention center my friend Y handed me $100 bill and said “This is from NN’s family.  They are here wanted to meet you, let me find them.”  Shortly after that Y returned to where I was with NN’s family.  E and NN thanked me and told me that the six years-old girl is now cured, the husband, she said “Thanks God”, is good now and always find the source of earning income even he does not find the regular job yet since he got laid off.  The relationship between E and NN are good so NN thanked me for doing the ruqyah on them.  NN then introduced the six-years old girl to me and said ”do you remember the one was reciting Qur’an over the phone to you, this is Oma, this is Oma.”
I thanked them for the money, and I told them that I do ruqyah because of God, not for the money, and any money I received is going to be distributed to the orphanage and the poor family in Indonesia.  I also told them that this is great the Ramadan is just a few days away so I can send the money before Ramadan.

5th Follow up father lost his job and daugher got sick

I was glad that this time neither of them, E, NN, & N have any reaction when I was reciting verses of the Qur’an over the speaker phone to them but when they drank the water, E still felt the water was bitter but it was not as bitter as the day before.  So I told them to thank to God because if they did not feel anything or had any reactions, thats mean is a good sign.  I told them to let me know what the doctor said if they bring N back to do the follow up with the doctor about her kidney.  Since E still feel the water tasted bitter even though is not too bitter, I told him to recite surah Al-Baqarah over water and for him to drink the water everyday.
On Friday July 6, 2012, when I was at the Los Angeles Convention center my friend Y handed me $100 bill and said “This is from NN’s family.  They are here wanted to meet you, let me find them.”  Shortly after that Y returned to where I was with NN’s family.  E and NN thanked me and told me that the six years-old girl is now cured, the husband, she said “Thanks God”, is good now and always find the source of earning income even he does not find the regular job yet since he got laid off.  The relationship between E and NN are good so NN thanked me for doing the ruqyah on them.  NN then introduced the six-years old girl to me and said ”do you remember the one was reciting Qur’an over the phone to you, this is Oma, this is Oma.”
I thanked them for the money, and I told them that I do ruqyah because of God, not for the money, and any money I received is going to be distributed to the orphanage and the poor family in Indonesia.  I also told them that this is great the Ramadan is just a few days away so I can send the money before Ramadan.

Friday, December 27, 2013

"Ruqyah untuk Tumor/Kanker"

saya menderita sakit tumor maaf sebelumnya bagiannya di payudara apakah bisa sembuh dg ruqyah? saya tambah kurus makin hari makin g berisi. trims. wassalam

Jawab :
Wa alaikum salam wr wb
Ada 2 penyebab tumor/kanker
1. Murni medis (pola makanan, hidup tdk tratur dll)
2. Krna ulah syetan (bisa jin biasa atau sihir). Cara kerja mereka menyumbat pembuluh darah ato organ tetentu sehingga memicu kanker.

Bisakah dengan ruqyah ?
Insya Allah sangat bisa! Sangat banyak yg disembuhkan oleh Allah, tumor dan kanker mereka dengan ruqyah syar'I.

1. Baik karna medis ato ulah jin, pengobatanya dgn ruqyah PLUS, yakni plus herbal : zaitun, habbatus sauda, madu daun bidara, ato herbal lokal sperti daun sirsak dll.
2.Pegobatan krna ulah jin jk hanya diobati secara medis akan percuma krna smber peyakitya tdk dhancurkan. (Meski sdah dioperasi akan tumbuh lagi).
3. Insya Allah jk murni ulah jin, akan lebih cepat sembuhnya.

Bagaimana Metode Ruqyahnya?
1. Diruqyah oleh pruqyah lalu dikuti ruqyah mandiri
2. Konsumsi herbal yg sudah diruqyah (termasuk air ruqyah baik untuk mandi ato minum) oles bagian tumor rutin dengan minyak ruqyah (campuran zaitun+habbats) rutin 2-3x sehari
3.Saat ruqyah mandiri, pegang bagian yg skit, lalu tiup langsung ato tiup tangan lalu usap ke bagia tumor.

Lakukan dgn istiqomah!

Ada juga yg mlakukan terapi denga air zam-zam. Sebelum minum, niatkan dengan doa agar penyakitnya dhilangkan. Alhamdulillah, sembuh total tak berbekas, dokternya heran, bagaimana mngkin sdah dvonis hidup tak lama lagi, tp sembuh sebentar saja.

Pengalaman sy :
1. Pasien sakit di bagian payudara, namun tdk trdeteksi medis, stelah druqyah trasa ada buhul2 sihir yg tercabut.
2.Tumor pasien terdeteksi medis. Awal datang langsung sy minta tuk oles dgan minyak ruqyah, langsung ada reaksi panas, mnunjukkan sumber sakitnya bukan murni medis.

Segeralah melakukan ruqyah.
Smoga Allah mnyembuhkan anda
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Tuk pemantapan klik (ketik kata kunci kanker/ tumor) di kotak search.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


“Dan Kami turunkan dari Al Quran suatu yang menjadi penawar dan rahmat bagi orang-orang
yang beriman dan Al Quran itu tidaklah menambah kepada orang-orang yang zalim selain kerugian.”
(QS. Al Isra’: 82)

Tentang pohon bidara
“Dan golongan kanan, alangkah bahagianya golongan kanan itu. Berada di antara pohon bidara yang tidak berduri.” {Q.S. al Waqi’ah (56): 27-28}


Ini terbuat dari ramuan di ambil sebagian besar dari Al Qur’an Yang sudah di ruqyah dengan surat Al Baqarah full, Surat Al Kahfi full, Surat Wakiah full serta ayat-ayat syifa lainya.

1.Daun Bidara
2.Daun Kelor
4.Buah Tin
6.Air Hujan
7.Air Zam-Zam

Gangguan fisik maupun psikis, Gangguan sihir, Gangguan jin Kesurupan, Keputihan, Jantung,
Kurang Nafsu makan, Epilepsi, Histeri, Sariawan, Sulit buang air kecil, Badan lemah,
Sakit kuning, Rematik, Biduran dan alergi.

Kolesterol Tinggi, Diabetes Mellitus, Pegel linu, Anti-mikroba, Anti oksidan, Melindungi kerusakan
DNA, Melindungi kulit, infeksi, Rematik,

Menurunkan berat badan, Hepertensi, Anti bakteri, Anti inflamasi (anti radang), Nyeri, Virus Ebstein Barr (EBV), Virus herpes simplek (HSV-1), HIV/AIDS, Cacingan, Bronchitis, Gangguan hati, Anti tumor, Demam, Kanker prostat, Kanker kulit, Anemia, Tiroid, Gangguan saraf, Hepatitis, Sakit kepala, Kolik di saluran pencernaan, Luka bernanah, Sumber nutrisi (protein dan mineral), Tonik, Menurunkan kolestrol jahat, Sakit kuning, Rabun ayam dan sakit mata.DLL

Cara pakai
Baca Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
Pakai tangan kanan
Seduh seperti teh biasa
Bisa pakai gula atau tidak
3 x sehari
Bisa buat mandi
Bisa buat lulur
Selesai Alhamdulillah

Efek samping kusus bagi ganguan jin

muntah muntah lebih satu jam
mual mual
ada sesuatu yang berjalan di dalam tubuh DLL

Semoga diberi kesembuhan yang sempurna
Sehingga tidak sakit lagi





Nothing burning but smoke coming out from the carpet

During the ruqyah S saw smoke coming out from the carpet in front where S was seating.  Her older daughter was in that room too so S was asking her daughter if her daughter also saw the smoke.  S repeated the question and her daughter said no she did not see the smoke.  I then told S that I believe it and it may not be seen by other people in that room, but I believe it because one time when I did ruqyah on 54 years old lady, the lady was going to run because she was afraid there was a big black man which made her very scare stood in front of her but there were eight other people including me in that room did not see the man described by the lady.  So I told S that she did not have to try to convince us what she saw was true because I believe she did saw smoke coming out from the carpet.

I visited S family every week because I am teaching one of her daughters so some time when I had interesting story I shared to her and her husband.  Last week her husband made a comment that would be a good idea for his wife S to be checked too then S response was for her husband too.  I go to teach S’s daughter every Saturday so I always see the whole family at home but today her husband was not at home, had some thing to do fixing the bike or something.
I told S that we can try to do it on her today but actually especially having it done on some one for the first time I always like for my husband also to be with me because we didn’t know what reaction might have.  S respond by saying some thing like she sure there was nothing on her but just good the have it done like for cleansing.  So I agreed but what I had in my mind was should there be a reaction which I think its not a good idea to continue, I would stop and to redo it next time with my husband or at least there is another strong grown up with me who can help the physical fight if it is necessary.
S also wanted to have it done on her oldest daughter Z so I told them we can do it to both the same time.  Both were seating on the carpet facing kiblat and I was seating behind them.  The minor reactions they experienced were Z felt on her chest something but according to Z, that was a normal because when ever she heard some one shouting her chest would feel that way.  I was not shouting but I was reciting verses of the Qur’an out loud right behind her close to her ear so Z said that her chest felt that way was beause of that.  Unlike with S, her left toe was moving by itself like shaking after I pinched her toe.  I actually I did not pinch her toe, I was just holding her toe with my fingers.  S also saw the smoke coming out of the carpet in front of her.
I suggested for them to do the follow up until when I recite verses of the Qur’an on either of them, they don’t have any reaction and S agreed.  But then S was telling me about one of her friends whom she thinks that there may be something on her that needs to be cleaned.  During the process of her friend’s divorce, her friend’s ex-husband told her he would make sure that her friend would never get re-married.  It has been a very long time her friend was still single.  I told S that I would tell my husband about her.
Do the follow up on January 8, 2012
Both S & Z did not feel anything different or any unusual feeling while I was reciting verses of the Qur’an (to do the ruqyah on them).  They drank the water and the water taste normal.  But S was still seeing the smoke came out from the carpet in front of her.  The smoke was not thick and was not as much as when the ruqyah was done the first time on her, but there was still smoke came out from the carpet in front of where she was seating but nothing was burning.  No one in that room saw the smoke but only S who saw the smoke.  She saw the smoke only when I was doing the ruqyah on her and the smoke was gone when I stop.  Subhanallah
 Do the follow up on January 28, 2012
Because when the ruqyah were done on the first and the second time Z did not saw any reaction at all so I did it today only to S.  According to S, she was still seeing some some on the carpet in front of her but very light.  When the ruqyah was done on her the first time the smoke was very thick from the flame burning carpet and on the second time there was only the smoke but the smoke was lighter not as thick as the first time and also was not as much as the first time.  The smoke was in the area on the carpet in front of her and was about approximately a feet hight.  The first and the second time were done in the living room and she sat on the same place but this time, the third time was done in the children’s bedroom but still she saw the smoke but lighter then the second time.  So I suggested for her to continue to do the ruqyah until she does not see anything or have any reaction and she agreed.


Muhammad Faizar Hidayatullah
Banyak sekali orang "keblinger" yg beralasan,
"Ah, buktinya aku pergi ke dukun lebih cepet sembuhnya daripada dibacain qur'an sama kamu, klo itu salah kenapa Allah beri kesembuhan hayo !!!"

"Ah, buktinya aku bisa selalu sehat dan bahkan aku sendiri bisa mengobati banyak pasien dgn ilmu kanuragan ini, kalo itu salah kenapa banyak pasienku yg diwujudkan kesembuhannya oleh Allah !!"

"Ah buktinya rumah tanggaku slalu harmonis krn aku slalu menggunakan ajian jaran goyang, klo itu salah kenapa ajian ini berhasil ? Padahal setan itu sangat menginginkan adanya perceraian !!!"

"Aku ini pandai karena mengamalkan puasa mutih slama beberapa hari, kungkum di hulu sungai sambil dzikir, yg penting skarang kan aku bisa pandai dan membahagiakan ortuku, itu kan termasuk birrul walidain hayo !!?"

Dan masih banyak lg ungkapan yg tak bisa ditulis satu persatu dalam status ini...

Simaklah firman Allah ini :

و إذا مسكم الضر في البحر ضل من تدعون إلا إياه فلما نجاكم البر أعرضتم و كان الإنسان كفورا

"Dan apabila kamu ditimpa bahaya di lautan, niscaya hilanglah siapa yg kamu seru kecuali Dia (Allah), Maka ktika Dia (Allah) menyelamatkan kamu ke daratan, kamu BERPALING.. Dan manusia itu slalu TIDAK BERTERIMAKASIH..."
(' : 67 juz 15)

Perhatikanlah !!! Bagaimana Allah mengabulkan do'a mereka padahal status mereka adalah orang-orang yg MUSYRIK ?

Rasulullah shallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam bersabda :

إياكم و دعوة المظلوم و إن كانت من كافر فإنه ليس لها حجاب دون الله عز و جل

Hati2lah kalian dgn do'anya orang yg teraniaya, MESKIPUN DIA KAFIR !!! Karena sesungguhnya tidak ada penghalang yg menghalangi do'a tsb dgn Allah 'Azza wa Jalla.."
(Al-jamii' ash-shaghiir karya imam as-Suyuthi no.2915 dihasankan pula oleh syaikh al-Albaani rahimahullah dlm shahih wa dha'iif al-jamii' ash-shaghiir no.4447)

Perhatikan, dlm hadits tsb pun status orang yg berdoa adalah orang yg KAFIR...

Dari sini jelaslah bahwa terkabulnya do'a atau terwujudnya keinginan tidaklah menunjukkan bahwa seseorang berada di atas kebenaran...

Dan bagaimana mungkin kita menilai kebenaran itu dgn berpatokan pada terwujudnya keinginan ???
Padahal Allah sendiri mengabulkan do'a SETAN ktika SETAN berdo'a kepada-NYA..?!!!

قال رب فأنظرني إلي يوم يبعثون

Dia (Setan) berdoa, ya ALLAH tangguhkan usiaku hingga hari mereka dibangkitkan...

Dan ternyataaa.....
Allah mengabulkan do'a tsb !!!

Allah berfirman :

قال فإنك من المنظرين # إلي يوم الوقت المعلوم

Allah berfirman, kalau bgitu kamu trmasuk orang2 yg diberi tangguh hingga waktu yg telah ditentukan..

( : 37-38 juz 14)

Maka coba kita renungkan, apakah dgn dikabulkannya do'a setan itu berarti Allah ridha dgn tindakan setan yg menyesatkan manusia ??? Apakah berarti itu menunjukkan bahwa setan berada dalam kebenaran ???

Silahkan jawab masing-masing

Friday, December 20, 2013



terkadang tidak semua bangsa jin yg di ustus dukun..dalam kerja sihir bersalah..contoh nya....bakda zuhur td..kami kedatangan seorang pasien....yg beberapa hari..lalu..telah berjanji..akan di ruqyah.....begini kisah nya...

belom lagi dia masuk ruangan..badan nya..sudah menggigil dan kepanasan....ketika mulai di bacakan ruqyah..jin nya pun hadir.....dan dgn...dialok yg panjang..2 diantarany masuk islam tinggal kepala pimpinan.jin"a sulit keluar.... terjadi lah dialok lebih kurang..begini..

peruqyah;siapa kamu ini...
jin; ; saya pemimpin..dari 2 jin yg telah keluar td...

p ;apakah kamu tidak takut kepada allah....menzalimi manusia seperti ini....
j ;dia hanya diam..
p ;bertobatlah kepada allah ...memang dia salah apa sama kamu.....
j ;sambil menagis...dia mengatakan..dia tidak salah..(sia menyebut kan..nama dukun)
;dukun itu yg salah..saya sayang sama dia..dia anak yatim..dan cacat lagi kakinya..
saya sayang sama dia...di perlakukan seperti ini....
p ;kalo begitu keluarlah kamu..demi taat kepada allah....ini adalah suatu kezoliman..
j ;saya tidak bisa....(dia menjawab dgn nada takut)
p ;kenapa tidak bisa.....?
j ;tidak bisa...aku iklas..bunuh saja aku...bunuh saja....aku iklas...
p ;tidak baek seperti itu....kami hendak berdialok dengan hikmah...
j ;disana aku juga akan di bunuh...bunuh saja aku...3x..
p.:begini saja bagaimana kalo kamu masuk islam..agar kamu selamat...
j ;iya saya mau..
p ;kami pun menuntuh mengucapkan 2 kalimah syahdat...
;nah sekarang kamu sudah jadi sodara kami....oleh karna itu keluarlah....
j ;tidak bisa...
p ;kenapa...kalu takut sama dukun..?kalo itu masalah jgn kembali lagi kesana..tinggal di mesjid saja,,(memjid pondok hafiz)di sana banyak jion2 soleh2...lagi kuat2...

j ;...bukan itu masalah nya..pokok nya saya tidak bisa...sekarang..bunuh saja saya...saya iklas..3x.....
p ;kami bertambah penasaran..karna filling kami....ada sesuatu yg di simpan..nya....
j ;akhirnya kami mendesak.....tolong sampaikan kepada kami...apa yg sebenarnya terjadi....
j ';dengan nada ketakutan..sambil menangis....dia berkata...anak saja ustd2...anak saya....anak saya akan di bunuh kalo saya keluar...anak saya ustd..keluarga saya ustd........diancam...(sambil menangis tersedu2..)
p ;dengan izin allah allah akan menolong mereka...sekarang kemuarlah dan pergilah
ke mesjid yg tadi....di situ banyak jin2 yg kuat2..dan soleh2....sampaikan apa yg 
telah terjadi pada mu....mudah mudahan..dgn izin allah mereka mau membantu
mu dlm hal ini....(di sana banyak pasukan..jin)
p ;keterangan ini...diambil dari..sebahagian jin2..yg telah pernah melihat mesjid tsb.
mesjid tsb..penuh dgn penjagaan... ghoib....bercahaya sangat terang..sekeliling mesjid..dan memencar ke langit...dan penuh dgn olah2 bendera2..mujahidin2 dalam kalangan manusia....)
note..:ini keterangan beberapa jin..sebelum nya....boleh di percaya boleh tidak...

j..;baiklah kalo begitu..dia pun keluar.....

semoga....apa2 yg telah kami tulis ini...menjadi,,rahmad...dan pengalaman bagi kita semua..bahwa tidak semua jin..ato syetan,,,,jahat...hanya saja terkadan dia terpaksa bekerja sama dgn DUKUN karna di ancam....dan semoga dgn kisah ini menambah keyakinan kita kepada yg ghoib.....dan kalo ada hal2....yg melanggar syariat allah....kami yg miskin ilmu ini,,,,,senantiasa...mengharapkan nasehat..dari guru-guru kami......yg lebih faham akan hal ini...silahkan komen nya...di tunggu....

sumber :